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Mark Carew
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Jun 28, 2013
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Mark Carew

OpenBuilds Team, Male, from NJ

Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

Making the future! May 8, 2020

Mark Carew was last seen:
Oct 21, 2024 at 8:01 AM
    1. Quadfather
      Your advice would be appreciated

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello I have sent you a message for support
        Oct 13, 2016
    2. Cyberjones
      Hi Mark,
      I live in Belgium and it is difficult to obtain the Open Builds hardware.
      The hardware is never sold here.
      Greetings Jones
      1. peter28
        je kan die kopen bij ooznest in uk of in tronixmaker in antwerpen ik denk dat ook een bedrijf illamatech in gent zit die ze verkopen
        Sep 30, 2016
        Mark Carew likes this.
    3. David Qualls
      David Qualls
      Mark, I bought my copy of Mach 3 from you, so they say I have to get you to give it to me again.

      David "Crash5050" Qualls
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hi David! Wow long time brother :) Good to hear from you.
        If you email the Part Store directly they should be able to get you taken care of on the Mach licence. http://support.openbuilds.com/support/home
        Hope this helps get you back up and cutting,
        Sep 22, 2016
    4. crnrstndes
      Hi Mark, I have a question about the C-Beam, I don't plan on it being a plate maker but I want it for engraving and inlay work on my custom cutting boards. On your build you used a 12" X 12" piece of MDF . I want to increase the board size to 14 1/2" wide! Any problems??

      Thanks very much!
      Stephen Buckle
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Stephen, I do not see this being a problem. You should be able to expand the machine a little more without having to add another Y axis and for support you could just use a couple more V-Slot rails on each size of the Y axis. That a look that Moags C-Bema Machine XL for some ideas - http://www.openbuilds.com/builds/c-beam-machine-xlarge.3675/
        Hope this helps, all the best with your Build!
        Sep 22, 2016
      2. crnrstndes
        Thanks Mark!
        Sep 22, 2016
        Mark Carew likes this.
    5. Dion
      Hi Mark

      Just want to bring your attention to a small spelling mistake on your OpenBuild C-Beam Machine Build page.

      You wrote:

      "If your interested in purchasing a C-Beam™ Machine Parts Bundle please click here."

      ...when it should of course be...

      "If you're interested..."

      You + are = "you're" (contraction) and not "your" (possessive noun)

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Thanks for the helpful feedback Dion, 'you're' the best! ;)
        Sep 12, 2016
    6. Graeme Bland
      Graeme Bland
      Hi Mark,

      Great article and will be building this week when remainder of parts arrive.

      Quick observation that the OX Build parts list states 13 13 Eccentrics and the build doc states 20.

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Thanks for the feedback Graeme. It should be 13
        Aug 31, 2016
    7. Eric Filomeno
      Eric Filomeno
      Hi Mark,
      I just placed an order for my first build and the only thing I think I need now is a 2:1 linear actuator reduction plate/gears/belt/etc... Can you tell me when these will be available?
      1. MaryD
        Aug 29, 2016
    8. chopper
      Is the c beam bundle out of stock or unavailable for purchase if so what is the lead time?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Aug 22, 2016
      2. MaryD
        C-Beam Bundles are back In-Stock!
        Aug 24, 2016
    9. PCZ
      Mark I am interested in outsourcing a machine design using openbuild parts. Is there a way to contact users to gauge interest and/or capabilities?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello PCZ, I would suggest finding a Builder who has already posted a Build that is closet to what you have in mind for your application and ask them though a message if they would be interested in creating a custom Build for you.
        Aug 16, 2016
        MaryD likes this.
    10. Charlie B
      Charlie B
      Hi Mark I am completely new to to this forum and was looking at the basic C-Beam but then came across this X-Large project which is ultimatey what I would have developed the basic model into. My question is, is this X-Large version too much for a complete novice? What would be the estimated cost of the kit bundle plus electrics?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Aug 16, 2016
      2. MaryD
        To add to Mark's comment, our test machine was built by a novice. The build manual was so detailed that he was able to complete the build on his own in what would have been less than a weekend!
        Aug 24, 2016
    11. George Ioakimedes
      George Ioakimedes
      I'm looking for advice on building a small XYZ station. We will be using it to probe and test circuit boards which are in a 5" x 6" array panel. Almost no torque requirements other than to move the assembly and maybe 1-3" Z travel to probe the board. What's your thoughts on coming up with the most cost effective solution since we plan on building several of these. Any helpful pointers would be greatly appreciated.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Aug 16, 2016
    12. Tyler Taschner
      Tyler Taschner

      I am working with the lead screw linear actuator system and I am really looking for a 1500mm length of the 8mm diameter lead screw option that is available through this website. Is there any possibility of that being an option? The application that I will be using it for is a little custom so the rigidity of the 1500mm length wont be an issue.

      Thank you for your time.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Aug 16, 2016
    13. eddyg
      Mark, I'm sorry to bother you but I have no more turns to make. I purchased Mach3 and keep in mind I have no experience with CNC yet, I got a TinyG. I want to use mach3 but I found out it is not possible. what are my options? I cannot use chillipepper because there's no internet connection in my shop. Should I change controller board to something more Mach3 compatible? any suggestions?
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Eddyg I have not used the TingG but I do remember the tgFX controller software that was being worked on some time back. It has been replaced with Chillipepper but its still there and you may find a way to use it.
        Jun 29, 2016
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Jun 29, 2016
    14. Rav3nDESIGNS
      Hi Mark, newbie to the forum
      was thinking of building the Big OX 1500 x 1000 you have in the CNC section.
      I have a cheap chinese cnc but want to build something a little more serious.
      I mainly cut aluminum , carbon fiber and g10 was thinking of using a 2.2kv spindle would the current gantry handle that?

      I have found your parts list but i'm not sure what i would need to swap out to make it more robust?

      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hi Tony, welcome to the OpenBuilds community! I would suggest looking at some of the new Builds that will be using the C-Beam XL plates they are really nice and have a lot of flexibility when building.
        We have a couple example builds posted and soon (working on them) will have more including their bundles. Hope this helps
        Jun 13, 2016
    15. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      The Nema 17 lead screw driven can move up to 400 in/min. Hope this helps , we look forward to seeing your Build.
    16. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      The Nema 23 HT (larger motor) lead screw driven can move up to 200 in/min.
    17. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      Hello @Mark G from the testing we have had reported. The Nema 23 lead screw driven can move up to 300 in/min
    18. Mark G
      Mark G
      Hi Mark- I'm trying to build a linear pumping system. For best results the table must move (in only 1 axis) about 60 inches per minute. Can a lead screw type drive move this fast or should I try the belt assembly? Total travel is about 6".
    19. SethEden
      Hey Mark, I sent a message regarding logo fair use on the contact us page. Can you please check, or have someone check and get back to me? Thank you so much!!! :-D All the best and I hope you have a good day!
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello @SethEden thank you for the reminder, will do.
        Jun 7, 2016
    20. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      If you add the HT Series Stepper to this actuator you can get more like 60lbs
      1. Mark Carew
    21. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      The NEMA 23 with the screw drive can lift about 25lbs max with the standard motor.
      1. Mark Carew
    22. rwalkins
      Was wondering which bundle I should purchase for my custom tv lift cabinet. I was looking at the V-Slot™ Nema 23 Linear Actuator Build. It's a 46" tv and I have to lift it 24-26".
    23. Mark Carew
      Mark Carew
      Getting ready for a fun weekend of building and BBQing! :)
    24. BobAd
      Hi Mark:
      Question, the lead screw 8MM seems smaller in diameter. When you torque down the flexible coupling, pinch side of the acme screw
      it won't hold the torque to the shaft. Plus the bearings have a lot of play on the screw when mounted to the end plates???

      thanks bob
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Bob,
        the lead has been retooled slightly so that we did not need to sand them down to fit the 8mm bearing ID if you have side to side movement this will not affect the movement of the actuator other then some noise that can be dampened with tape.
        May 24, 2016
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        As for the flex coupling not fitting properly you will need to make sure to tighten the clamp all the way down tight and take a look close at the coupling as (if they are the new version) you should see another set screw that locks it to the shaft once the clamp has been tighten down.
        May 24, 2016
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        May 24, 2016
    25. finalcountdown
      Hi Mark,
      I placed an order yesterday and not sure what happened? Could you please advise when possible?
      Thank you.
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        May 6, 2016
    26. Hariharan K
      Hariharan K
      HI Mark, i am building a OX cnc Xpro v2 cnc. i am able to move all the axis, when i try to draw a circle with a pen in Z axis. its plotting as Oval :). Please help me out. i use 24v supply and nema23 OX 500X750 config, my reg setting is listed below. i use Universal gcode sender V1.0.9
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Hariharan,
        Usually the case here is a slipping pulley on one axis. So I would suggest that you first make sure that the pulleys are one with the motor shaft. Even the slightest bit of looseness in the system can cause this kind of machine behavior.
        May 2, 2016
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        May 2, 2016
    27. Piero87
      Hi Mark, sorry if I bother you again! I have a question about the OX CNC and GT3 Belt, i have see that on the openbuildpartstore the gt3 belt have 5mm width, but in other openbuildparts reseller have 6mm width, what is better for the OX and the v-slot? I want use 4 Nema 23. Thanks:)
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        No bother @Piero87 We use the 5mm so that if you want to us it as belt and pinion system where the belt lay in the track it will not rub the sides. We have used both and its really no problem to use either, in fact we have widened the C-Beam track to allow for 6mm belt so its really just whats available to you . Keep up the good work! :)
        Apr 25, 2016
    28. Piero87
      Hi Mark, i have posted a message in the OX CNC Discussions, about the screws to use in the OX CNC. I have looked your build video on YouTube and for example in the video you use the M5x10mm screw but in the parts list i doesn't see that screws, have you got the complete list of screw that need to build it and for where to be mounted? Thank you very much for this amazing project!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        The community builders like yourself have done an outstanding job at helping to make the OX build more complete then ever though feedback and we thank you so much for that.
        It may be helpful to know that between the 8 and 10mm screws in most cases they can work in the same instances.
        Apr 18, 2016
      3. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        You can flip the tee nuts upside down and this allows you to use the 8mm in at 10mm spot as you gain a couple mm in the flip with the tee nuts threads at the top of the channel instead of the bottom. I think this may be the case with this build. Some of the newer builds we are working hard to make sure the list are more complete or bundled when available.
        Apr 18, 2016
      4. Piero87
        Thanks Mark!
        Apr 18, 2016
        Mark Carew likes this.
    29. Daniel gomez
      Daniel gomez
      1. Mark Carew
        Mark Carew
        Hello Daniel, We are working to have the numbers for the actuators released soon. However I think with the screw driven C-Beam™ actuators you show in the animation you will have no problems lifting a 10kg mold. You have a nice setup there and we look forward to seeing you share this Build on OpenBuilds.
        Apr 18, 2016
        Daniel gomez likes this.
      2. Daniel gomez
        Daniel gomez
        and what about the delivery, I am in Cairo Egypt
        Apr 19, 2016
    30. jrclarke
      Thanks so much. I'm getting one on order right away!!
      1. Mark Carew likes this.
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