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      This build is a continuation of my Posi-Drive Leveling series of printers. It uses one Z axis motor syncing two Z axis screws with a timing belt to produce a permanently level printer.

      The Z axis runs on large Openbuilds wheels that are positioned with standard T Joining Plates. All metal parts are standard off-the-shelf items available through USA sourcing. Total cost (depending on source) $400.

      PSU and KFB3.0 controller board box are attached to an 18" x 11" x 3/16" sheet of ABS attached to the bottom of the frame, consolidating the printer into a single unit that can be easily moved from location to location.

      The Vulcan Pro has a print area of 12" x 12" x 15". By loosening 4 screws the entire Z and X axis sub-assembly can be disconnected from the Y axis and frame, allowing that sub-assembly to be laid upon the print bed, reducing shipping size to a 21" x 21" x 8" suitcase sized package for shipping. Re-assembly of the shipping package takes less that 10 minutes.

      I plan on building this model in late Aug.
      3dWrx on Twitter

      Assembled SKP file http://3dwrx.com/VulcanPro/assembled-alum.zip
      SKP files http://3dwrx.com/VulcanPro/parts/parts-skp.zip
      STL files http://3dwrx.com/VulcanPro/parts/STL/parts-stl.zip
      BOM PDF http:///3dwrx.com/VulcanPro/VulcanPro-OBlist.pdf

      There is an 80 step tutorial for building the VulcanPro at
      Build VulcanPro

      assembly1.png assembly2.png assembly3.png assembly4.png assembly5.png assembly6.png assembly7.png assembly9.png assembly8.png
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution No Derivs - CC BY ND

    Reason for this Build

    This printer competes in layout format and price range with Creality CR-10S and TEVO printers.
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