hello OpenBuilds Team. i originally tried to post my project to "Projects" but have been instructed to post to "Builds" instead. so i'm back and trying it again...
here is the email i first sent to OpenBuilds:
hello OpenBuilds,
is there an OpenBuilds Distributor/Authorized Reseller in the Seattle/Tacoma area? i have designed a project that i would like to get started on.
thank you, Cam Garrett
OpenBuilds Team responded with a link to a Distributor Map. i replied:
hello OpenBuilds,
thank you for responding. it appears that there are no distributors or authorized resellers near me.
do you have a phone number i can call and have a brief conversation to clear up my questions ?
if not then here is some information about my project:
i would like to build a sturdy motorized photographic copy stand.
i have hobbled together a hand crank version using a used umbrella pole but it is not suitable as it is awkward and wobbly. here is an image of my current setup and some simple illustrations of my OpenBuilds idea.
( 1.umbrella & motorized copy stands.png )
here is a copy of my shopping cart with the parts i think i will need.
( 2.parts cart.png )
to reduce the chance of light reflections i have chosen the industrial black color for the actuator bundle and the additional linear rails.
there are three kinds of brackets that i could use your advice on for the best structural support.
the triple L Bracket is inexpensive but is it as strong as the others? also, i don’t see it used in any of your youtube videos.
the cast corner bracket seems to be the most commonly used and the black angle corner connector looks the best but costs more and is it as strong as the other two?
( 3.brackets.png )
and finally, i have chosen to not include a stepper motor. my setup is so simple i would prefer not to use the more complex and expensive computer interface controller but rather to use a simple DC motor with a forward/reverse switch similar to this:
( 4.switches.png )
what do you think? am i missing anything? i don’t see any DC motors for sale on your website. do you have any recommendations on the best DC motor specs and places to buy one?
once i see my complete solution i will be happy to place my order.
thank you again for looking at my project.
talk to you soon, -cam
OpenBuilds Team responded:
Hi Cam,
We do apologize for the delay as we are experiencing an influx of emails.
Thank you for reaching out to us. Your Build sounds exciting and we're happy to help!
The best choice would be to open a new thread on our forum. You already have a drawing of your machine and the forum is moderated by our Building Team and fellow builders who create custom machines with our parts. www.openbuilds.com
We look forward to seeing your finished Build posted on OpenBuilds.com
Thank you,
so here i am. any advice would be greatly appreciated! -cam
Sturdy Motorized Photographic Copy Stand
Build in 'Camera Sliders - Rigs' published by Cam Garrett, Feb 1, 2023.
i would like to build a sturdy motorized photographic copy stand. i have hobbled together a hand crank version using a used umbrella pole but it is not suitable as it is awkward and wobbly.
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Dennis Solomon likes this. -
Build Author Cam Garrett, Find all builds by Cam Garrett
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution - CC BY
Reason for this Build
i would like to build a sturdy motorized photographic copy stand.
i have hobbled together a hand crank version using a used umbrella pole but it is not suitable as it is awkward and wobbly.Inspired by
MOVABLE ART TO SCREEN WALL-MOUNTED TV Build in 'Furniture Builds' published by DJ McKay, Jan 17, 2021. -
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