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      For this build , i do not use Openbuilds profiles ( Sorry Mark ;-) )
      I need for my workshop a big and heavy cutting table who can handle both router and plasma torch .

      Overall size : 2500mm x 1500mm
      Working area : 2250mm x 1300mm .
      Until now , i never use rack and pinion drive , it will be the first try for me.
      At the begining , i wanna build my own rack and pinion drive , but i finaly choose CNC router parts rack and pinion drives . Those are the only pieces that i bought already builded.

      Description of the different technologies and products i used for this build :

      Nema 34 hybrid ( with integrated coder ) , 8 Nm for Y axis and 4 Nm for Z and X axis.
      X and Y axis are drived by rack and pinion system.
      Z axis is drived by a 16mm ballscrew
      Plasma Floating head
      Auto scaring with two IFM inductive sensor ( Y1 and Y2 )
      Homing on all axis ( X , Y1 , Y2 and Z)
      Power suplly : 1 x 1200W 60 V , 1 x 400w 24V
      The frame is based on a build i found on Internet and i modified it to enlarge the working area .
      (I will write the source as soon i will found it again )
      I made no concession for this build , so it's pretty heavy ( around 300kg ) and final price is also pretty expensive.
      I made the choice to use only good stuff and of course , it have a price .

      DSC_0556 (2).JPG

      Rack and pinion drive :

      My biggest cut :
      IMG_20191121_185539.jpg IMG_20191122_145824.jpg

      IMG_20191227_135721.jpg IMG_20191222_140934 (1).jpg IMG_20191222_140756.jpg IMG_20191220_185331.jpg

      Attached Files:

      ARKHAN_74, NickB, Ko/|xo3HUk and 23 others like this.
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CERN (CERN-OHL1.2+) Open Hardware Licence

    Reason for this Build

    I needed a big and strong plasma cutting table .
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