I want to build a miter saw station stop block system to accurately, quickly and efficiently position a stop block on a miter saw station.
Basically this is a fence on a miter saw with a computer controlled 'stop' that moves back and forth an stops at the user entered distance from the saw blade. I'm thinking the C channel might work to carry the plate/wheel assembly. I think a belt drive would work well. I watched a tutorial from Brainy-Bits and purchased the electronic hardware. ( ). Now I need to concentrate on the fence, stop and drive system. Any help with parts list, suggestions, etc greatly appreciated. One caveat, I'm assuming I need to protect the drive system from the ever present wood dust!
Miter Saw Stop Block
Build in 'Everything Else' published by rkugler, Feb 14, 2018.
Just starting a miter saw stop system. Any suggestions appreciated.
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سعید احسانی, Mark06, Paul Stoller and 9 others like this. -
Build Author rkugler, Find all builds by rkugler
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution - CC BY
Reason for this Build
For faster, more accurate and more efficient cuts at the miter saw station.