1. Components laid out
Before planning how exactly I will arrange the components in the case, I laid out everything to get an overview and rough idea of placement.
2. CAD and drawings
After acquiring datasheets and drawings of components or measuring them myself, I build everything in CAD to get an accurate assembly. From the assembly, I traced mounting points, cutouts and space requirements onto the case model. This got converted into the drawings that I included in this project.
3. Wiring schematics
I laid out the wiring not only for the documentation, but also to check for errors.
4. Manufacture
From the drawings, I transferred necessary information to modify the raw case onto the case components. With a hand drill, fret saw and a file, I made all the holes and cutouts.
5. Mounting components and wiring
Components are mounted in place and wired according to the wiring schematic. I used proper connectors and ferrules wherever possible. You should, too. These little things increase the reliability and repairability of your project.
I mounted the fan so that it blows out of the case. Its purpose is to generate an air flow, drawing air from the openings in the case. Since I did not have a 40 mm fan grill, I printed one. The BOM specifies a standard wire fan grill.
6. Fan setup
Since the DC-DC converter for the fan can only be set under voltage, I set the trimming potentiometer to the lowest setting, activated the power supply and used a multimeter clamped to the output of the DC-DC converter to set 12 V as output voltage.
7. Finished
The lab power supply is now ready for usage.
Lab Power Supply + Soldering Station
Build in 'Everything Else' published by uGen, Mar 14, 2018.
A small 32 V, 96 W lab power supply with voltage/current/power limit, program memory and an outlet to power the popular TS-100 soldering iron
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Sonny Lowe, A.Aznan, lleilli and 17 others like this. -
Build Author uGen, Find all builds by uGen
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- CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA
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