I've always been bad at documenting projects, but here goes.
This is my 750 x 500mm Ox build.
My Ox consists of the following parts:
Most mechanical parts ordered from Openbuilds store.
Black v-slot when available.
1/4" alum plates (from @SlyClockWerkz)
A few brackets hand made.
I am attempting to utilize the dual belt system where one belt is attached to the rail w/ the teeth up so the second belt can mesh with it. It does not seem to be working as well as theorized.
Electronics consist of
24v 14.6A PSU
TinyG v8
3 x 269 oz/in steppers (X-axis and Y-axis)
1 x 156 oz/in stepper (Z-axis)
Dewalt DWP611 Router as spindle
KerryH's OX
Build in 'Cartesian Style CNC' published by KerryH, Feb 24, 2015.
My adventure in CNC routing.
- Build Progress:
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Build Author KerryH, Find all builds by KerryH
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Build Details
- Build License:
- CC - Attribution - CC BY
Reason for this Build
Always wanted a cnc routerInspired by
The original Openbuilds Ox build.