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      I put together with my Nephew a DIY 3D Printer which is similar to i3 style. This uses a lot of different parts to put together what I call the LayerFused C201. It uses all off the shelf parts and/or 3D Printed parts. While my nephew put this together I filmed the entire thing and created a youtube series for it. The videos are broken into multiple steps below. The entire DIY 3D Printer Series Playlist puts them all into one long running video.

      There is also a complete Bill of Materials available that lists all the parts and links to either Amazon or in another tab I have an Economical build that sources the parts from Ali express, etc. You can get the parts anywhere or substitute as necessary.

      The real meat is that these videos cover it step by step so if you're new to building a 3D Printer this will give you a lot of detail on the build process.

      So here are the videos in order you should do them.

      Step 1

      Step 2

      Step 3

      Step 4

      SKR Mainboard Setup (Do before step 5)

      Step 5

      If you need help you can always pop into my discord where its basically a makerspace on the internet Join the makersmashup Discord Server!
      1. Special Notes

        If you need help you can reach out on my Discord: JDiscord Server!
        Or on Twitter: Makers Mashup (@MakersMashup) | Twitter
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA

    Reason for this Build

    So my nephew had a 3D Printer

    Inspired by

    Prusa i3, Ender 3, AM8 and many others
  • Parts list

    Qty Part Name Part Link Comments
    0 Link
  • Attached Files:

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