This is a C-beam machine, with a Dewalt router, high torque NEMA 23 steppers, suitable stepper drivers DQ542MA, Planet CNC direct USB control board, some 3D printed parts, and T-slot Al bed (seemed best/most convenient for clamping work pieces down and has less flex). I will put a large plexiglass (and T-slot Al) box over it to dampen the sound and allow me to run it in my apartment without bothering neighbors.
C beam machine (with larger T-slot platform)
Build in 'Cartesian Style CNC' published by Dangatech, Sep 19, 2017.
Larger, more rigid build plate C beam machine
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MekaTurk, Oleg Chernyawskiy, Brian_fox1980 and 2 others like this. -
Build Author Dangatech, Find all builds by Dangatech
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- CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA
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