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Ariel Yahni

CNC Cut New Mirror Holder UK40OB

CNC Cut New Mirror Holder UK40OB
Ariel Yahni, Oct 4, 2016
Holley likes this.
    • Metalguru
      Ariel Yahni

      How do you get such nice cuts on Acrylic? I've been playing with it, but finding it really hard to work with. Melting and clogging the bit instead of cutting. What type of bit do you use? Feed speed? Router RPM?
    • Ariel Yahni
      @Metalguru I get you, i was there once. You get melting and clogging because the bit cannot remove the material out of the path fast enough. Thats either going to fast or to deep.

      Start slow with small test and speed up from there. You need to see good sized chip being cut

      This is what a used for this cut:
      Dewalt DWP611 ( min rpm is 15,000 )
      2F 1/8 straight bit
      Feed 650mm/min @ 0.5mm per pas
    • Metalguru
      Ariel Yahni:

      I used a Bosch Colt single speed router @ 35000 RPM. First try I used a bit like this (double flute, straight flutes) at a feed speed of 500mm/min, cut depth of 1mm per pass. It clogged up and made a really messy cut.
      Then, I tried a bit like this, with a feed speed of 1000 mmPM. It cut much better but still clogged up before the end of the cut. It seemed the faster speed worked better, and the single flute bit was also much better. I know it would help a lot to get the router speed down, I plan on buying a variable speed Colt router soon. I will also try reducing the cut depth to 0.5mm. I am also going to try an air blower aimed at the bit to keep it cool. Thanks for your assistance!
    • Ariel Yahni
      Yes 35k rpm is to high, even 15rpm is to high. Also i agree single flute its better
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