@Mark Carew : on the cam setup it shows the 'end gcode' as below but that is incorrect it should be G0 X0 Y0 ; the Y is missing from your code AND!!!! I cannot type a Y there to fix it. many other letters can be typed, but not Y
@Mark Carew, @David the swarfer, I'm hoping the Linux driver download works some time today....I mean "Y" not? All will be revealed today, right?
Thanks for the Bug report - will fix today [EDIT: Fix committed in Fix Keydown Binding typo as reported by @swarfer - that was preventin… · OpenBuilds/cam@1e37e8e]
Checking from my side, the Linux DL works (and installs fine on my Ubuntu box) - can you elaborate on any issues? (Ctrl+shift+i -> devtools console always gives some clues) or use the alternate download at OpenBuilds/SW-Machine-Drivers (download.openbuilds.com just tries to present it a little prettier - but Github releases is the backend)
@Peter Van Der Walt, all the green buttons show just a placeholder link: [ Download OpenBuilds Software] I'm using: Ubuntu 18.04 Google Chrome: Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit) Acer i7 laptop I'll try that alternate download link later, thanx!
The buttons has a JS onclick event (So the Placeholder is valid HTML) - that executes an ajax getJSON to Github Releases to grab you the Latest exe/dmg/deb/appimage etc as appropriate - using ajax instead of hardcoded links means I dont need to keep updating the link and spend more time making cool features (As each Github Release has the Tag in the URL) (Checkout OpenBuilds/download if you want to know what it does under the bonnet)
@GrayUK , back when I was still doing some web development, we were just beginning to use some ajax routines to make life simpler. Now when I think about digging into anything web development-like, my eyes roll back in my head and i start to drool @Peter Van Der Walt , still not working for me, but the problem is probably on my end: been having some Java issues since upgrading to 18.04. I got the linux driver at github, installed the deb and the browser based CAM finds the driver. The App itself doesn't open. I get the above error instead. I guess I'll fiddle with it all later! Thanks!
Always a chance its our side - especially the Linux side (not so many users - so gets a bit less testing) - so don't rule that out yet I picked up you knew a little though when I saw you checking the placeholder/href ) Quick question: Is this the DEB or the AppImage one? (I'll download 18.04 tonight - been putting off updating) and see if I can replicate - the AppImage shouldnt be running in /opt - and maybe just maybe the .deb installer is doing something odd) If you are on the .deb, try the AppImage too - it's kinda cool AppImage
so now everything is magically working, download buttons and the app. Downloaded the deb a second time, installed it and it works (there was some kind of error screen, but it continued on to load and run) Jogging my test setup now!
Sweet! I fixed the download button bug (stupid mistake, had a little code in there (windows only) from before we added the mac/linux versions hehe) so I'll say that less likely magic (; But the other one, I didnt do a fix. However the error was because it was started with a parameter, which wasnt a file. (You can run './openbuildsmachinedriver file.gcode' and it'll open the file. The error looked like it was getting a parameter, but said parameter wasnt a file. Maybe ubuntu was adding something onto the end of the command for some odd reason. Still, it needs some extra coding to handle that without throwing an error - the 1.8gb Ubunntu 18.04 ISO is in my download queue - will see if I can replicate and then fix
mmm, (maybe it's my old sys. win7 / google chrome) put a circle in > move it...& get Pinokkio on your screen
Nope, known bug - but super rare this would be the third instance I know of, in 7 months) Workaround: move (it messes up the first point) Undo, (ctrl+Z) Now move again, and it works. (Well for the two other times I've found this) Do drop me the test file, from the other two I couldnt find why those drawings had issues with their first vertex jumping differently (With only two files, its hard to pickup a pattern to debug - so one more may just help) - also include which CAD it came from I actually want to rewrite DragMove entirely (Todo: DragMove: Enhance to support selected objects as well · Issue #2 · OpenBuilds/cam ) to also make it more useful, that might just incidentally solve it - but would be better to find what the issue is, and properly fix it.
lol: now i have pacman on my screen. This happens only when use the build in circle tool, not with a imported svg.