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Project help/question

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by xl97, Mar 22, 2020.

  1. xl97

    xl97 New

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Hey gang-

    I am working on a project (off and on for a while now!) LOL.... and finally getting back around to work on things..

    This is not the normal "CNC" project (no router...no gcode..etc)..

    However, I did use the V-Slot rails to build it.. so I am coming back to get some feedback on how best to approach my current obstacle.


    I'm building a barbot..or maybe better described as an automated drink maker?

    There are many that have done this before me.... but I wanted a stepper motor project.. and this project inspired me to 'make it happen':

    There are many variants... but the above was my motivation (mine has a touch screen menu though, and doesnt have the rails on the 'bottom', but suspended, under the drink/optic measures.... take from another project viewed)..

    Anyways.. my current 'issue' is that, while I used some v-rail for the main rack-n-pinion set-up for the stepper to more the carriage/platform around..

    My initial mock-ups used 2 x .5in steel square tubing as the pieces to support the 'optics' and the actual liquor bottles as well.

    I only have 1 2-liter (filled with water) for testing purposed.. (while I work out the other mechanics of the project)..

    and noticed that I dont think these 2 pieces of square tubing will be enough to hold everything properly??

    I fear that it may 'bend' horizontally from the 'load' of 6 liquor bottles..
    that it may 'skew' or warp..(not sure how to best describe it).. once the servo under the dispenser is lifter and attempts to press the opitc measure 'stem' piece to dispense the liquor.. (hope that makes sense?)

    Some videos of the project:

    Initial stepper testing: (This is being initiated by a web interface off screen. Has a drink menu you scroll through and select from..which in turn starts the 'process' you see in the video(s) below, all hosted on a Raspberry Pi actually, running a LAMP set-up for the 'site' and spits out serial data (recipes) to a connected Arduino that does the stepper/servo communication. This will eventually be displayed on a touchscreen, but for now, I am using a monitor and mouse for testing still.)

    This is the servo portion *after the stepper portion above moves to the correct bottle.. this servo will lift up and engage the 'stem' to dispense the liquor:

    Heres where I am asking for feedback/suggestions. :)

    I was thinking of perhaps replacing it, [those 2 x steel tubing pieces], or perhaps adding to it, (since the dispenser piece(s) fit nicely to it)..
    with a piece of x-rail 20mmx80mm..

    thinking this would perhaps be more sturdy?

    Here are some pics..




    more or less.. looking to replace those 2 'bars' with something more 'sturdy'.. between two 'v-rails' that are being used as 'legs'.. so I can mount those 'bottles' to it. and have it not move, bend or flex. :)

    My initial thought was to try and use a piece of 20mm x 80mm... but this is my first experience with linear rail stuff.. so I figured I'd pick your brain and see if there was a better idea to try?

    (I am not looking to change the back v-rail set-up (rack-n-pinion) stuff). :)

    but I do have a side question of:

    how to secure the 'bottom' side of the v-rail in a rack-and-pinion setup that is mounted between 2 other v-rails as 'legs'...

    I am using these to secure the 'top' part of each side of the rail to the 'legs':

    90 Hidden Tee Nut - MAKERLINK (10 Pack)

    Inside Hidden Corner Bracket

    I dont recall off hand. :( (sorry)

    but because the bottom part of the v-rail have the belt attached/secured to it.. how does one secure the bottom part of the rail to the 'legs'?

    I understand my project is bit out of the norm here...and use. but maybe there is a fix for that as well? :)

    #1 xl97, Mar 22, 2020
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  2. phil from seattle

    phil from seattle Journeyman

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Cool project. I would move the rails for the Glass holder down lower and then use multiple braces for the dispenser rack.

    To be honest, I would have gone at it from a different direction - figuring out how to use GRBL as the motion controller. Then all the recipes would essentially be GCode, sent by the RasPi. Easy to add more or change on the fly without rebuilding the software. Done right, the control software would allow making recipes on the fly - it would just drop little snippets of GCode into a file and send it to the controller.
  3. xl97

    xl97 New

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Using the web interface (behind the admin login) the recipes and ingredients are 'adjustable/addable' on the fly... included the amounts things dispense (from optics you see in the pics).. do the pressurized system in the back (which you dont see) consisting of: CO2 tank, fluid/liquid containers (for orange juice, soda..etc things you dont want to dispense 'shot by shot' (per se`)) 8-channel relay board & 8 electric 1/4 solenoids.

    You dont even need to know GCode after initial calibration/set-up.. just 'point-n-click'

    Lower the 'back rack' (the glass holder),.. which really isnt there yet.. it attaches to the carriage in the images.. so its placed below the measure/dispensers.... what you see there (in the pics) is the 'servo platform' that will engage with the optic measure 'stem' depressing it and dispensing the liquid.

    In fact it could probably help to go even an 1/8 higher! LOL (for leverage in making connection between the servo/arms (horns) and the stem piece..

    If I was more experienced with the RPi (linux).. and Python (more of a web developer).... I probably could have taken advantage of the on-board GPIO pins as you mention.... but its really just one axis of stepper motor so GCode would be overkill IMO..

    Besides if was a fun project creating the protocol and writing the parser for the Arduio... it can basically take incoming serial data from anything using the protocol.. (ie: means I can then create Bluetooth apps)..

    I havent quite picked a touchscreen display yet for permanent use.

    My current (only?) obstacle is how the bottle older/dispensers are mounted/secure to the 'legs'.. and because it has no 'back' (not solid... which I like).. I'm worried it might not:

    A.) be strong enough to hold all the bottles/weight without flexing/warping
    B.) when the servo (from the bottom) pushed UP on the dispenser/stem piece, and the steel tubing will warp/twist (without having any back support, especially in the middle area)

    I think I have a plan worked out..


    I guess I just need to wait until they are shipping again? (wow... bummer!) LOL

    How long of delay are we talking here? :(
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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