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Openbuilds Control With Grbl_Esp32

Discussion in 'Control Software' started by that-jim, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. that-jim

    that-jim Journeyman

    Apr 19, 2020
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    I am trying Openbuilds Control with a Grbl_Esp32 controller, just getting started but pretty much everything is working. The one problem I have is that I cannot use continuous jog for x and y. Continuous jog does work for z. I have set up homing and its working, I have measured and set the max travel and I am using soft limits.

    When I try to use continuous jog on x or y I get
    Unable to jog toward X+, will hit soft-limit
    error: 15 - Jog target exceeds machine travel. Command ignored. [ $J=G91 G21 Y-1859.000 F6336 ]

    Here are the grbl settings

    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $0=10 ;Step pulse time, microseconds
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $1=255 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $2=7 ;Step pulse invert, mask
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $3=6 ;Step direction invert, mask
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $4=0 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $10=1 ;Status report options, mask
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $20=1 ;Soft limits enable, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $22=1 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $23=3 ;Homing direction invert, mask
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $24=200.000 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $25=2000.000 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $26=250.000 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $27=1.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $30=24000.000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $31=7200.000 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $100=66.730 ;X-axis steps per millimeter
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $101=66.730 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $102=66.730 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $103=66.730 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $104=66.730 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $105=66.730 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $110=6400.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $111=6400.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $112=4500.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $113=6400.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $114=6400.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $115=6400.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $120=200.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $121=200.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $122=200.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $123=200.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $124=200.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $125=200.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $130=1270.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $131=960.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $132=145.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $133=0.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $134=0.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] $135=0.000 ;undefined
    [21:08:27] [ $$ ] ok

    If anyone can help me understand what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    CONTROL support official Grbl from github.com/gnea/grbl only. No 3rd party forks supported unless they maintain perfect compatibility with the way Grbl itself works - we simply cannot dedicate development time to other's firmwares which we do not even use, and accomodate every slight difference from the standard Grbl way unfortunately. Surely they have their own recommended software. Otherwise, if you want to use CONTROL, consider a BlackBox (see docs.openbuilds.com/blackbox)
  3. that-jim

    that-jim Journeyman

    Apr 19, 2020
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    I found the answer in the Grbl-Esp32 wiki, Grbl-Esp32 has a setting for setting the value of the machine coordinate at the limit switch. So because my x and y home in the negative direction I set the $X/Home/Mpos= -1270 and $Y/Home/Mpos=-960. This makes the machine coordinates match what Grbl would use and now continuous jog works.

    So I thought I would post this incase some has the same problem and finds my question.
    #3 that-jim, Aug 29, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
    slynn1324 and Giarc like this.

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