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Need Software/Hardware Solution for 2 year Project Runtime & 460,000mm/sec Feed Rate

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Phil Tarvin, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. Phil Tarvin


    Dec 10, 2018
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    First an admission, dead serious about the runtime parameter but feed rate is only figurative (speed of Earth & Moon thru space). In reality I'm trying to determine viability of applying CNC tech in a unique way to a project I'd like to build. Thought I'd start on this board. This will be a fairly long read, just sayin.

    Been using a C-Beam with great (albeit gradual) success cutting and deep engraving copper sheet metal in addition to various wood species, brass, cast resin blanks. One of the item types we've (wife & I) been putting out lately are clocks of exotic wood and copper. This project we're hoping to tackle involves producing a somewhat large format, outdoor piece that incorporates three elements, namely a traditional time clock, a tide clock and lunar phase clock. Essentially a Public Art Piece.

    The CNC production of the various "tiles" on my machine and as needed larger format pieces on equipment at a local Maker Center is a process which is well in hand. What I'm looking at is validating the concept of using CNC software, hardware and electronics to operate the Lunar Phase Clock and perhaps the Traditional and Tide clocks as well while I'm at it. The basic considerations and requirements are discussed below, at the end of the day I'm looking for a consensus on whether or not this may be a practical concept to enact or if it's merely a pipe dream and should waste my time so am putting it to the group for discussion.

    Some Background.......

    Traditional 12 hour clocks essentially make two rotations every 24 hours and likewise Tide clocks make two rotations every 24 hours and 50 minutes. Movements for each of these are readily available. In contrast, I've yet to locate any commercially available movement for a lunar phase clock, in fact short of grandfather clock lunar dials (which are not accurate) I haven't even found a mechanical Lunar Phase clock of any kind in production. Although computer generated tables giving day and hour/minute/second predictions of Lunar Phase events are common and essentially accurate, devising a mechanical device to illustrate the progression is seemingly not practical ... here's why.

    The synodic month (the time it takes from the instant of a New Moon to the instant of the next New moon) is currently 29.530588853 days on average. That average occurs over a period of 10 or so centuries and like pi, the pattern never really repeats.

    Generally, synodic month incremental events (i.e. no visible moon, quarter-half-full moons) are graphically depicted by a representation of the moon at eight equally spaced points along its orbit around the earth (sorta like an eight hour clock on it's side). Problem is the actual time between, say the first quarter moon and the full moon, from one synodic month to another can deviate by as much as a day and a half. So unlike hands on a regular clock that move around the dial at a constant "feed rate"..... the hand (singular) on a Lunar phase clock needs to move at "feed rates" that vary throughout both an individual synodic month and the various years, decades and centuries. THERIN LIES THE PROBLEM & PERHAPS A G-CODE SOLUTION.

    So, could a stepper motor (with or without gear reduction) be coded to initiate the required rotations to drive a clock hand shaft 45 degrees around the Lunar Phase clock dial ..... starting at a specified date/time and once every 3-4 days. The task could be programed a single "tool path" over a relatively short time span or as multiple "tool paths" to provide a smoother and more continuous movement from point to point.

    Could it be as simple as devising a scheme to employ G04 (pause) codes of varied duration in succession ?

    Are there available any ways to have the Control monitor an onboard clock and initiate based on that input ?

    Can the steps be adequately and reasonably fine tuned so as to result in acceptable accuracy and repeatability over twenty four monthly cycles (or some multiple of that) ?

    Are there any "stand alone" controllers available that the g-code could be fed to and then operate reliably over a two year span ? I am uncomfortable relying on a conventional laptop or console where the control program would operate from.

    As far as hardware, electronics, etc. are there any glaring weak links that immediately come to mind ?

    Most important, my ability to imagine solutions of this sort is in its' infancy so to speak. Often the "veterans" of a discipline have either seen or can themselves imagine a much better mousetrap than us newbies ..... that being the case varied ideas, instruction and yes constructive criticism is not only encouraged it is likely essential.

    BTW, rationale for a two year runtime is two fold. First, successive years of g-code could be developed over time and uploaded more conveniently. Secondly, if successful in winning a display location under our City's competition, the piece will need to be on public display for that time.

    TIA for your reading this to conclusion and any input provided.

    Phil Tarvin
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I would not try to force Gcode to do this (and certainly GRBL cannot as it has a relatively high minimum feed speed).

    Instead I would use an embedded solution on a Raspberry Pi or Arduino or ESP82 to do the job right.

    I think an internet connection is vital to keep synchronized with an internet time source, once the device knows the real time it can calculate everything else, or even look it up from that same internet time source, then the device only has to worry about positioning the various displays correctly. This can be done in various ways, a single index to set a known position and drive on from there, or the addition of relative encoding to keep track of movement,or absolute encoding so that no matter where it is at power on the position is known and can be corrected quickly from there.

    start here
    arduino moon clock - Google Search
  3. Phil Tarvin


    Dec 10, 2018
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    Thank you for the input .... have been following the Google search suggested and have collected quite a number of bookmarked pages to go back to. Indeed this path would appear to be the proper one. Looks like I may have acquired yet another hobby.
  4. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    I am a great fan of incremental development. build an existing project from one of the web pages, learning as you go along. then expand that project to do the next thing you want, and so on.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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