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Need help with Shapeoko 2 w/Grbl & Synthetos gShield

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by LameCranberry, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. LameCranberry


    Oct 10, 2019
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    Long story short I inherited a Shapeoko 2 as my final project for my Intro to CNC class. It's basically new but the original class that built it never got it working. I'm at the point that I can manually jog and axis but it just vibrates and doesn't actually move. It seems drastically underpowered.

    So its running GRBL 0.9 (just installed a fresh hex)
    It's using the stock Synthos gShield controller
    And im using Universal Gcode Sender.

    I havent checked the pots on the controller yet. Someone may have screwed with them and I have no idea how to test them for the right voltage.

    Jumper pins are set to 8 steps on X&Y and 2 steps on Z.

    Does anyone here have the settings for the Shapeoko 2 using the gShield.

    This is what I have now.

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