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laser won't fire

Discussion in 'General Electronics' started by Bill Sturgeon, Dec 7, 2022.

  1. Bill Sturgeon


    Feb 8, 2020
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    Didn't know exactly where to post this question but I'll try here. I'm looking for help with my laser. I have an OpenBuilds ACRO 55 CNC and have mounted an Endurance 10W SE DeLux Laser. Using LightBurn software. Haven't used this system in over a year as I was traveling. Just pulled out my setup yesterday, hooked up my computer, homed the system and everything looked fine. Went to "fire" the laser and it won't fire. I don't know if I have forgotten something in the software or whether I have a laser problem. I never changed any settings in either the hardware or software since it worked flawlessly a year ago. The ACRO 55 is recognized correctly in the "Devices" window. I would appreciate any trouble shooting suggestions.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    1) Test the laser manually (Can't confirm how to do that in LightBurn, but in CONTROL that'll be the TOOL ON menu)
    2) Make sure Laser Mode is set to Enabled (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab)
    3) Make sure $30 and $31 has the correct values ($30=1000 and $31=0 respectively)
    4) Make sure the laser is receiving Power (Signal and Power, forgetting to connect or turn on the power supply if it uses a seperate PSU for the laser is often overlooked)
  3. Bill Sturgeon


    Feb 8, 2020
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    Peter, it was a long time since I used my system. I checked all my connectors, incoming voltage, output voltage, amps, etc. Did not think to check my Grbl settings and thanks to you I did and my laser was disabled, why or how I can't say. Enabled and I'm burning. Thank you very much.
    Giarc and Peter Van Der Walt like this.

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