Hi All I’m looking for advice on two points 1 connecting my VFD to the spindle and 2 to my Blackbox. I have the HY01D523B VFD and when searching Google for advice on connecting my spindle I get various results. The spindle lead as you will know has 4 wires 1,2,3, and 4 these obviously go to the VFD to the ports U V W. and ground, It’s which number goes to what port that I’m finding various results. One result says- U-1, V-2, W-3, G-4 Another says- U-3, V-1, W-3, G-4 My VFD is second hand so I don’t have the manual to check. I know that this VFD ran this Spindle before I got it. My second question is regarding the black box to the VFD. Again after searching I can’t find the exact VFD unit to mine and so any guides I find differ. Please see the photos of my VFD. and I look forward to getting my router up and running. I have everything working on my Blackbox just got stuck with the spindle. Many thanks and I look forward to your replies. Mark
Finding a manual is key Both questions are answered by the manual BlackBox outputs industry standard 0-10v signal. Rest is up to VFD (parameters and wiring differ between brands, but they all take the 0-10v standard signal)
Thanks Peter I’ve searched and searched for hours and found only one that wasn’t much use to me. After what seems to be days looking I can’t even find one person who has the same VFD has me. It may be that I have to purchase one that is more widely used. Many thanks Mark
There's a Chinese seller (not popular here) that sells that VFD. It's a pdf, so I've attached it - is that the one you found? Alex.
Hi Alex It was in fact the same after all. It doesn’t seem to have the same programming codes as mine for example- In the manual Code PD001, (source of operating frequency) if I wanted to set to 0 to use the panel on the VFD I couldn’t because mine won’t go as low as 1. My codes starts- PN01 (not PD) and when entering in to this you get the value 00001 and won’t go lower. I can’t see any explanation for this in the manual, just to add to my confusion. many thanks
Front display press set to change parameters Pressing set again to enter in to this parameter you get the starting number of- So totally different to the manual? many thanks
Mmmm. While looking through the Blackbox online manual I noticed that another users info for the VFD had the same program numbers and the VFD has the same layout but the part number is totally different. I’m going to give this a go tomorrow see if it checks out. A2-8015 VFD Inverter with 1.5Kw Air cooled spindle
If that doesn't work out, there's always the easy option RoutER11 CNC Kit But hoping it works out for you
So here I am again Now I've finally discovered the correct manual for my VFD I can understand so much more. I have a reoccurring issue that prevents me from running my spindle at all. After putting in all the parameters but initially not running via my blackbox but directly from the VFD. I get an OC-U error and the VFD. wont function. This error seems to be related to the Acceleration over currency ? and the manual suggests increasing the acceleration time but this doesn't make any difference. Anyone got any thoughts on this? Many thanks Mark