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Control freezes up after finishing job

Discussion in 'Control Software' started by kerinin, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. kerinin

    kerinin New

    Dec 18, 2019
    Likes Received:
    After finishing jobs I'm frequently seeing the control software UI stop responding. The job commands will continue to work in some cases, but the cutter position doesn't update, and when I restart the software (or try running different software like UGS) the reported position is incorrect. I've tried disabling all the visualizations, but that doesn't fix it. I've noticed that if I'm watching the terminal output, my jog commands don't show up when the problem is manifesting. After a few minutes, the UI generally stops responding all together, forcing me to reboot it.

    Any idea what's happening?
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Specs of your PC?
  3. kerinin

    kerinin New

    Dec 18, 2019
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    MacBook Pro early 2015, 3.1Gh dual core Intel core i7, 16Gb DDR3.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    We've had a handful of slow Windows PCs lock up, but you are definately the first macbook user to have an issue like that! So you have my full attention as it might help shed some light on the Windows users's issue (as so far it looked to be Windows only - even then couldn't really identify it as a bug as many of the reports were from users running old Celerons or 1.2Ghz Atoms etc so therefore the first questions was, what is your specs hehe ).

    How big is the gcode files that cause the lockup?
    Is it for every single file no matter how big or small?
    Is it ONLY at the end of the job, or some other pattern (say after a certain number of lines, certain number of hours, certain combination of files, etc)
    Any investigative work you can do to determine a pattern can help us get to the bottom of it and fix any potential bugs soonest
  5. kerinin

    kerinin New

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Apologies for not replying - I haven't been able to reliably reproduce this behavior. I've started videotaping my machine runs so I have a record of what happened in case it pops up again.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.

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