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I'm curious about that... I've seen that many of the motors used are 1.8deg steps (200 steps per rev) instead of 0.9deg steps (400 steps per rev)....
I was planning on using NEMA 23 motors for all of the screws. Would something like this work? .9deg Nema 23 Stepper Bipolar 2.8A...
Evan, thanks for the tips. I'm still sourcing parts but I may have a lead on SBR12 at a good price. I'll let you know. Also, I was wondering about...
Thanks, Evan. This is along the lines of what I was thinking, however, I was thinking about SBR12 rails about 300mm in length. Or possibly 400mm...
Thanks, Rick. Food for thought... I am actually basing my design, roughly, on the Promoveo design that Ronald submitted. It should be...
I've been doing a lot of research regarding the z-axis travel height/length (whichever...) and have been coming up confused. I've seen builds with...
Thanks! That worked.
Not finding a Solarjean with any items to sell on eBay. The only on I find is listed as being in the UK but is not listing any items. Can you get...
Well, I just got a quote from Amacoil on one of their linear drive nuts and it runs well over $300. So I guess ballscrews it is...
Hi! I'm a newbie and I'm in the process of completing my first CNC design. I've decided to use ballscrews to drive my linear motion. While doing...
Ronald, I am very impressed with your design. It caught my eye right off the bat. As a matter of fact, I am currently working on my first CNC...