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Just a little teaser of things to come :)

Kyo, May 29, 2016
2008blackhhr and rozitt like this.
    • Rating:
    • La Mouche
      I am very impatient to have the files I want to make this C -beam machine.
      You have make a good job, I have try to make some parts on Solidworks but without quotation it's more difficult.
    • Kyo
      Thanks, Soon very soon. All files will be posted in the build thread. Waiting on a few more parts to arrive. Then the build begins. Working on the build guide steps as I type this. :D
    • UltiBots
      Kyo -

      What bed are you considering? I am planning to have a mister believe a metal bed is in my future.

      Really like your build ideas and YouTube videos. Keep up the great work!


      Modified C-Beam Bundle
      Dewalt 611
      Elaire 1/8" Collet
      1/8" Single Flute Carbide End Mill
      Workflow = Fusion 360 & Cam > Chilipeppr > Tinyg
      Feed = 20"/min (508mm/min), Ramp = 10"/min (245mm/min), Plunge = 8"/min (203.2mm/min)
      Pocket cut = 0.25mm rough & 0.2mm finish, 3mm max stepover
      Bore cut = 0.2mm pitch
      Contour cut = 0.25mm rough & 0.2mm finish
    • Kyo
      Thank you. I tend to have a lot of wacky ideas but most seem to work out lol :thumbsup:

      For bed I am not 100% decided as of yet. My first thought is going with a base 1/4" aluminium plate something like Mic 6 for flatness and to add a extra bit of weight and rigidity to the frame. Followed by two replaceable 1/2" mdf spoiler boards.

      With the flat vertical walls the back side of the C-beam offers in this build; incorporating say a vacuum formed form fitted "tub" that could be secured in place and provide a water tight area for mist coolant or even flood coolant might be possible. It would just be a matter of swapping it in and out when needed.
    • UltiBots
    • Kyo
      Just got your email, sorry for the slow response I have been filming all day. so I will just reply here.

      Nice find, I will have to bookmark those links. I am afraid I can not jump on a group buy currently. My build budget for this cnc is tapped. As designed you would need a 420mm wide by 500mm long bed to fit this build.
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