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Y axis not moving while everything else is fine

Discussion in 'Laser Cutters' started by Diogo_lazer, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. Diogo_lazer


    Nov 21, 2018
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    Hey everyone!
    I'm new to the Lazer engraving world, but found out that it takes some eletronic knowledge.

    I recently bought the Lazer engraver on the image but found the software it came with terrible so I installed GRBL.

    The problem is that after turning the steper driver around, in order to have the positive facing oposit sides like it says in the GRBL site, I can't get the Y axis moving at all. The Lazer and x axis are working fine. And my board setup is has shown on the picture, think you can help?

    Thanks in advance

    PS: I tried having the plus facing the same direction and it burned the arduino, so I got a new Arduino and steper drivers. Still with 20181118_220625.jpg 20181118_220622.jpg the same issue
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The stepper drivers have pinouts that are not reversible, plugging that one in wrong way round, killed it probably. Put it back and try, if it doesnt work, that reversal will have killed it. I think what you read referred to reversing the WIRE/PLUG from the motor, not the stepper driver...
  3. Diogo_lazer


    Nov 21, 2018
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    TKS !! @Peter Van Der Walt

    Arduino CNC Shield Instructions

    This is the site that told me they have to be opposite [​IMG]

    That is what I referred to, but now I notice there different stepper drivers in the image.

    BTW I can't try reversing it back to the original position because I will burn my arduino (already happened once) download.jpg
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    The DRV8825 based ones have the pot on the opposite side of A4988 based boards - two different types of drivers (look, the chips and layout is different on those two shown), not same ones. Besides, even thats inaccurate (clones of even DRV8825s and A4988s arent even consistent with where they put the potentiometer - sometimes left, sometimes right, even seen them on the bottom, board layout is done with what makes sense, not with "lets make them all look the same hehe" - best to read the pinouts on the bottom/top silkscreen instead.

    I will mention though, thats the danger of buying a knockoff clone CNC shield and then following the stolen documentation. The CNC shield was designed by Protoneer: Arduino CNC Shield – 100% GRBL Compatable - better board, better instructions, better support (just an email away) :) Furthermore the knockoffs is the old version of the board (From grbl 0.8 days ) so you'll also find that spindle PWM is on the Z Endstop pin (and the opposite) as pin allocations between grbl 0.8 and future versions (0.9, 1.1 etc) has changed. Just not worth that saving to get if from the east unless your time was worth nothing (well and the destroyed driver hehe)
    #4 Peter Van Der Walt, Nov 29, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2018

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