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Anyone used a Ridgid R24012 Trim Router?

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by Steven Hickerson, Jul 16, 2016.

  1. Steven Hickerson


    Jan 7, 2016
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    Hello all,
    So, I've ordered quite a few parts from Openparts, and have yet to actually complete any of my CNC projects lol. The thing that has been holding me back on my current build is getting my gantry plates done, I planned for them to be done in aluminum and have had problems finding someone to cut them for me. I tried doing one set by hand with a drill press but was not happy with the results. My press isn't the best in the world and the bit walked a little before starting some of the holes so things were a little off.

    That said, with the sale of the C-Beam mechanical kit today, I decided to go ahead and order one of those kits. I already have steppers, driver board, and power supply for my other build, and I had always considered building one smaller table top CNC and one bigger one so figured wth, I'll get this and build it and maybe I can use it to cut the plates to finish up my bigger one.

    Anyway, to the point of my post... I'm considering starting off with a trim router initially until I decide on and can get a spindle and VFD. Has anyone tried the Ridgid R24012 trim router on a CNC? It's about the same HP as the Bosch PR20, but it has a nice appealing lifetime service on it. I don't know if it's hard to actually get them to honor that, but maybe if I break it I can get it fixed hehe. Another reason I'm considering that one over the Bosch is because right now Home Depot has a package where you can get the router and a 1/4 sheet sander for $99. I could make use of the sander as well so it seems like a pretty good deal if the router will work for getting me started.

    Also a side question if anyone reading this happens to know. Is there a good place to source some softer materials like Delrin plastic for cheap? All the stuff I can find seems crazy expensive. Like 50+ dollars for one piece of 12" x 12". Delrin seems like it'd make a great material for making small brackets or prototyping pieces before doing a more time consuming cut in a harder material.

    Thanks for any feedback, and I welcome alternate suggestions as well.
  2. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Really can't comment on the router as very little has been posted on it here but it should be fine. And there really shouldn't be a problem with the lifetime warranty as Home Depot being the sole source, they can't deny they sold it to you. Just be sure and make a paper photocopy of the receipt when you buy it as the thermal paper receipts you get from the store fade with time.

    As far as the Delrin, best source is probably the scrap/offcut vendors on ebay. A seller I use fairly often is gentoolco. I can email them about the sizes I'm looking for and they are fairly good about putting a package together at a reasonable price. But yes it is expensive so it is not something to waste on mock-ups. Mock-ups are best done in MDF. It's messy but it's cheap and it takes a fairly good edge.
  3. Mike Piechowski


    Jun 11, 2016
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    That Ridgid router might be a challenge to mount, it has a raised area with an adjustment screw on the side of the body. It would probably require some modifications to the OpenBuilds mount.
  4. Steven Hickerson


    Jan 7, 2016
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    Yeah, I the mounting and figured I could probably mount it using adjustable strapping clamps until I could cut out a bracket made specifically for the ridgid. You can see an example of it being done with a different router on the strapping clamp photos at Adjustable Strapping Clamp 3-5/16" to 4-1/12" (84 to 108mm) Difference there being the C-Beam kit moves a gantry on the z instead of moving the entire Z like shown in the pictures. But hopefully I can make something work. If not then I'll just go with the Bosch for now.

    Eventually, like I said I'll probably get a spindle and I'll try to find a 65mm one and use the adapter design I saw somewhere on the site to make the openbuilds mounting bracket fit the 65mm spindles.
  5. Steven Hickerson


    Jan 7, 2016
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    Hrmm, after some further investigation I might have to cancel the plan to go with the Ridgid or Bosch and get a Dewalt DWP611 instead. Looks like precise bits doesn't make collet kits anymore for the Bosch or Ridgid R2400 series due to compatibility issues or something. That means only way I can use 1/8" bits in the Ridgid would be via an adapter bushing or something. Not sure how well that would work if I wanted to do some aluminum cutting with it.

    Does anyone have any experience with adapter bushings and how well they work?

    Also while I'm here, is there any easy way to figure out what all bits I actually need? lol. Maybe a set I could buy or something? So many different kinds of bits!
  6. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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  7. Steven Hickerson


    Jan 7, 2016
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    Is the router collet link intended for Bosch collets? Don't see any there for the ridgid. Based on some other reading i don't know if I'd trust an adapter. Read a few things about people having problems with them at high rpm or in harder materials.
  8. Rick 2.0

    Rick 2.0 OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Dec 20, 2013
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    The collet link shows all the brands Elaire carries collets for at the top of the page. You might check with Elaire to see if it is correct but precise bits in implying that the Bosch Colt and rigid 2400 series collets are the same.
  9. Paul Pridday


    Jul 17, 2016
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    I've been looking at routers as well. I just bought the c beam bundle yesterday on a whim (and a push from a friend). Basically I am starting from scratch. Having to learn fusion, grbl etc. Prepare for lots of questions!!

    What I have read though is that Elaire has stopped supplying for the. Bosch Colt as there have been runout issues with them as well as lower bearing issues. As the bearings are wearing the plastic/phenolic bearing mount is deforming/melting. It seems to be steering customers towards the dewalt 611. It sounds like with some shim stock this could be used with the c beam mount correct?

  10. Steven Hickerson


    Jan 7, 2016
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    That is what I understand. The Openbuilds spindle mount page specifically links to the Dewalt DWP611 and says it can be used with shims. Only thing I haven't found out yet is... what should I use for shims? lol

    But yeah, I got started on the rabbit hole back in January and it's a deep deep hole. The past couple of days I've been looking at laser stuff and how to build my own CO2 laser because it would be cool to be able to just put a laser on the CNC and have a laser engraver / cutter as well lol.
  11. Paul Pridday


    Jul 17, 2016
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    I would think that any brass shim stock could be used. It sounds like it is close to a good fit already so maybe a few wraps of shim stock a few thou thick would do it.

    I haven't even got mine yet and I have a ton of ideas. Tragically I am going to have to do a LOT of learning prior to this happening. LOL
  12. Steven Hickerson


    Jan 7, 2016
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    So I contacted Elaire to ask them about this. They said they have not heard of any issues with the Bosch routers, that makes me concerned some because as I understand it precise bits is fairly reputable and I doubt they'd stop supporting the router for no good reason. Also Elaire doesn't know about the Ridgid router support for the collets.

    Honestly and I mean no offense to anyone, but it makes me wary about ordering collets from Elaire at all. The way the email was worded it seems like the person didn't even know about any issues with Bosch routers. The issues with them can be read about in places other than precise bits, I've found forum posts with issues on run out and such as well. I would think if this is something they are in the business of doing, they would keep tabs on what is going on with the routers they are making products for. So to me it seems like a lack of care that they don't even seem to know about any issues that have come up with Bosch routers over the past 5 years. In other words, they have had ample time to hear about this and be able to confirm with 100% certainty that whatever has effected the precise bit collets does not effect theirs. Not a simple "we have not heard of any issues". This also implies they don't bother with any in house testing when router models change and rely purely on customer feedback to find out about problems.

    With all that said, I think I'm just going to stick with the DWP611. It seems to be the best option for trim routers in CNCs from everything I can find on the subject now days. It also will be easier to mount. And the only disadvantages to the ridgid on it is it's a little more expensive and doesn't have the lifetime service.
  13. Paul Pridday


    Jul 17, 2016
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    The one thing that gives me a bit of hope with regards to the Colt is that it is what the C Beam Machine was designed around (according to the build vid) so I am hoping that it somewhat of a useable router. I've also heard that the bearings are generally good for 200-300 hours. That's not bad in my books. Apparently it is generally always the bottom bearing that goes and it is easily replaced. I also found reconditioned new Colts for 78 bucks and $7 shipping. Makes it even more attractive.

    I am surprised with all the hype that Elaire seems to have in the CNC forums that you received that type of response. It doesn't take a lot of reading on the net to hear about the Colt bearing issues...

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