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Problem with post controller and Fusion 360

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Craig H, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    FWIW, Here's another file that error33 occurs on now.

    Fusion settings:
    Clearance height 0.4"(Default)
    Retract height 0.2" (Default)
    Top height 0.06" Should be cut height

    Tolerance 0.001"
    Compensation Left
    Smoothing on 0.001"

    Lead in 0.01"
    Lead in Sweep 90degrees
    Lead in distance 0"

    Pierce Clearance 0.120"

    This file errors on the first hole right after Probe.

    Gcode attached too.

    I didn't post the whole console console but here's the console around the failure :

    [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 F40 ] ok

    [08:39:27] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 Z0.6 ] ok

    [08:39:31] [ [ PROBE ] ] Probe Completed.

    [08:39:31] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] [PRB:1867.400,66.300,234.730:1]

    [08:39:31] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] ok

    [08:39:31] [ G10 L20 Z-0.0787 ] ok

    [08:39:31] [ G0 Z0.12 ] ok

    [08:39:32] [ M3 S1000 ] ok

    [08:39:32] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M3 M9 T0 F152 S1000]

    [08:39:32] [ $G ] ok

    [08:39:32] [ G4 P0.6 ] ok

    [08:39:32] [ G1 Z0.06 F1016 ] ok

    [08:39:32] [ ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [08:39:32] [ ERROR ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [08:39:32] [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ] error:33

    Attached Files:

  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Well, I have now barked at this tree for a couple of hours:
    a) both your Gcode and any Gcode I generate is correct
    b) neither the 4X nor the X32 Blackbox I run the code through shows any errors, ever.

    conclusion: wrong tree

    I am now looking at EMI in your setup, or bad USB communication (caused by EMI?).
    Please switch to a short, good USB cable.
    move all power things away from the USB and the Arduino
    When you touch the probe switch, make sure YOU are not connected to any of the pins.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  3. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    I’ll. Try another USB cable. But I’ve already used two different ones and I moved away from the steppers and plasma cutter

    I’m also going to be 1600 miles from the plasma cutter when I try it this time

    I’m on a road trip but brought the arduino and laptop with me I have the micro switch hard wired to the Arduino.

    if it still fails it must be something in my fusion installation. if possible can you post back your Gcode and I’ll try it too
  4. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Finally, was able to get back to troubleshooting this, even though I'm 1600 miles away from my CNC machine, New USB cable, same files as I previously posted, Same error and same log. I'm 100% sure it's not EMI at this point.

    I will try to reinstall the openbuilds post processor, but I suspect that won't make any difference either, it has to be something I've done wrong in Fusion.

    If I'm successful, I'll report back- Meanwhile, David, if you could post your gcode, that would be helpful. Thanks!
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Post your files too - greatly cuts down on "lets see your latest files" question having to be bounced back - the more you include (logs, fusion file, gcode etc) the better
  6. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    I did post my files logs, fusion and g code previously. please see post number #61
  7. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    That's March 4th, and was already analysed:

    Thus, post the new stuff too...
  8. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Something else I am thinking of, what USB chip is your controllers using? (If its not a BlackBox)
  9. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    No new stuff to post yet, but I'm about to generate new gcode after replacing the post processor file in Fusion.

    And I'm using an Arduino Uno R3 as my controller. I maybe didn't mention that before. And I've used both a Dell Laptop with an I5 and a MacBook Air with M2 processor with the same results.
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes but which USB chip. FTDI, Silabs, CH340 or ATMEGA8U2
    Or closeup pictures of the board / USB device info from OS
  11. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    USB device on the Arduino is: ATMEGA 16U2 I'm assuming it's the same chip on the other Arduino that's actually on the machine, but I can't be certain of that at this moment-like I said, I'm 1600 miles from the machine until late next week, so I have another Arduino with a Microswitch attached to it and both a Mac and a PC to try to eliminate the computer form the equation.

    This is a pretty simple design, just to test the machine, it's a series of different sized holes in a rectangular plate.

    I regenerated the gcode with a new copy of the post (.cps ) file installed in Fusion. Same error, same location with a new copy of the post processor installed. This has to be something I've done wrong in Fusion, but for the life of my I can't put my finger on it. Thanks for the help guys. I hope someone sees my error and lets me know what I'm doing wrong .. Bet it's something obvious to those more experienced that I am. ( I am a hardware guy that's why I'm not buying the EMI angle- especially with two different pieces of hardware giving me the same results. )
    Attached are my Fusion file, the generated gcode and a screen capture of the log. All same errors as before
    Screen capture of log file :

    [13:35:46] [ 3D Viewer ] WebGL Support found! success: this application will work optimally on this device!

    [13:35:48] [ websocket ] Bidirectional Websocket Interface Started Succesfully

    [13:35:58] [ connect ] PORT INFO: Port is now open: /dev/tty.usbmodem1101 - Attempting to detect Firmware

    [13:35:58] [ connect ] Checking for firmware on /dev/tty.usbmodem1101

    [13:35:58] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 1 (Autoreset)

    [13:35:58] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 2 (Ctrl+X)

    [13:35:59] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 3 (others that are not supported)

    [13:35:59] [ ] Grbl 1.1h ['$' for help]

    [13:36:00] [ G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 ] ok

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $0=10 ;Step pulse time, microseconds

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $1=255 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $3=5 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $4=1 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $10=1 ;Status report options, mask

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $24=25.000 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $25=1000.000 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $27=2.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $30=1000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $31=0 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $100=40.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $101=10.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $102=200.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $110=5000.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $111=5000.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $112=1000.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $120=1000.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $121=1000.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $122=1000.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $130=1000.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $131=1000.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] $132=100.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [13:36:00] [ $$ ] ok

    [13:36:00] [ $I ] [VER:1.1h.20190825:]

    [13:36:00] [ $I ] [OPT:V,15,128]

    [13:36:00] [ $I ] ok

    [13:36:01] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [13:36:01] [ $G ] ok

    [13:36:02] [ connect ] Firmware Detected: grbl version 1.1h on /dev/tty.usbmodem1101

    [13:36:05] [ api ] Received new GCODE from API

    [13:36:05] [ api ] API called window into focus

    [13:36:05] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE Preview Rendered Succesfully: Total lines: 1185 / Estimated GCODE Run Time: 00h:03m

    [13:36:10] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE File (from gcode editor) sent to backend

    [13:36:10] [ (Made in : Autodesk CAM Post Processor) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (G-Code optimized for Grbl 1.1 / BlackBox controller) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (OpenBuilds CNC : GRBL/BlackBox) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion3601PostGrbl.cps V1.0.39) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Units = inch) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Laser UseZ = false) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Laser UsePierce = false) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Arcs are limited to the XY plane: if you want vertical arcs then) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (edit allowedCircularPlanes in the CPS file) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Drawing name : Testrectangle v4) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Program Name : testrectangle4) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (1 Operation :) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (1 : 2D Profile1) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ ( Work Coordinate System : G54) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ ( Tool 3: Plasma Cutter Diam = 1.377inch) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ ( Machining time : 0h:0m:51s) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ G90 G94 G17 ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ G20 ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Plasma pierce height 0.12) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Plasma topHeight 0.06) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Operation 1 of 1 : 2D Profile1) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ G54 ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [13:36:10] [ $G ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Plasma cutting with GRBL.) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ (Using torch height probe and pierce delay.) ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 F40 ] ok

    [13:36:10] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 Z0.6 ] ok

    [13:36:14] [ [ PROBE ] ] Probe Completed.

    [13:36:14] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] [PRB:123.500,77.500,10.910:1]

    [13:36:14] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] ok

    [13:36:14] [ G10 L20 Z-0.1969 ] ok

    [13:36:14] [ G0 Z0.12 ] ok

    [13:36:15] [ M3 S1000 ] ok

    [13:36:15] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M3 M9 T0 F152 S1000]

    [13:36:15] [ $G ] ok

    [13:36:17] [ G4 P1.8 ] ok

    [13:36:17] [ G1 Z0.06 F1016 ] ok

    [13:36:17] [ ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [13:36:17] [ ERROR ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [13:36:17] [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ] error:33

    [13:36:19] [ ] Grbl 1.1h ['$' for help]

    [13:36:19] [ JOB COMPLETE ] Job completed in 00h00m

    [13:36:19] [ ] ok

    Attached Files:

  12. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Ran it through a BlackBox with Check mode Grbl v1.1 Commands enabled no issues (Also not near machine)

  13. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Update: I went into set up in Fusion and edited the tolerance under Passes to 0.0001 ( it was 0.001) and when I saved the file, fusion gave a warning that it had removed passes ( the cut path no longer had the two smaller holes in it) I went ahead and generated a new gcode file. Ran the resulting file on the Arduino got no errors ran all the way through. So Problem solved? not really. Where did my two smaller holes go?

    So I went back into Fusion setup, and changed the Top Height and Pierce Clearance which regained the full cut path. I had some trouble getting a full cut path and had to briefly set both Top Height and Pierce clearance to 0.0 to return the full cut path, then I was able to reset them to 0.06 and 0.12 respectively. regenerated a new gcode file and this one errors out the same exact way on the very first hole after the zprobe. (which was not the hole that got removed from the cut path previously) So my conclusion is there is something going on with respect to the Top Height and Pierce Clearance that is causing the arc error that I still don't understand, particularly, since I have some issue getting the cut path to be generated in the first place and have to iteratively change Top Height and Pierce Clearance from 0 to the desired dimensions.

    EDIT: I can change the tolerance under Passes back to 0.001 and it has no change in the result.
  14. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    I've confirmed that while I'm using Arduino Uno R3 and not BlackBox, I'm rusing grbl 1.1 commands
  15. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
  16. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Just put it in check mode ($C) and the last gcode file I uploaded runs in check mode without error. Put it back in operational mode ($C again ) and it fails again. I still don't think it's a hardware problem, even though that result would lead one to believe it's a hardware issue on the USB side of the Arduino.
  17. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Disabling check and wiring a temp probe (or the probe lines will error) will revert
  18. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Right with Check mode off, testrectangle4.gcode ran fine, with me manually shorting the probe on the G38 lines. Ran in about 2min


    (The earlier Check Mode ones was couple seconds of course)


    (From Wizards > Job Log just to prove I was out of Check mode)

  19. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Yes, I have a microswitch connected to the Arduino and the Error 33 happens on the G3 command soon after the probe and Z axis move and pierce delay after the plasma cutter torch command is given. Again, no other hardware, Arduino Uno R3, MacBook Air ( although it fails using a PC too) and a microswitch connected to the Arduino.

    One more hint, I took the two smallest holes out of the cut path - same as if they had been ignored with the Top Height and Pierce Clearance settings of 0.06 and 0.12" respectively. Generated a new gcode file and it works without error. Again, when I was getting the error, it wasn't while the code was attempting to "cut" the two smallest holes.

    This has me stumped for sure
  20. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    I was reporting on MY actions. Was busy setting up to run your test. I was wiring up a temp probe (; See my reply after that too
  21. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Yes, about 2 minutes to run in normal mode and a couple of seconds in Check mode. that is a handy mode by the way
  22. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    EEPROM reset, then reflash Grbl from CONTROL > Wizards and Tools > Firmware flashing tool > BlackBox 4X tab. The goto Grbl Settings tab > Select LEAD 1010 from the list > Save and Reset when prompted
    Clean and with our profiles maybe?
  23. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes and ran without error for me
  24. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    OK, I did that, and believe it or not it ran without error.
    Now I need to put my machine specific numbers back into the grbl settings and see if it still runs.

    Fingers crossed..
  25. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Bummer, I reset my machine specific grbl settings and I get the same Error33 in the same location with the same G3 command.

    But at least I can get it to run without failure with your LEAD1010 machine settings. So I'm onto something and I think that eliminates hardware from EMI as a possibility

    I'll post my Grble settings now
    $0=10 ; Step pulse time, microseconds
    $1=255 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds
    $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask
    $3=5 ; Step direction invert, mask
    $4=1 ; Invert step enable pin, boolean
    $5=0 ; Invert limit pins, boolean/mask
    $6=0 ; Invert probe pin, boolean
    $10=1 ; Status report options, mask
    $11=0.010 ; Junction deviation, millimeters
    $12=0.002 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters
    $13=0 ; Report in inches, boolean
    $20=0 ; Soft limits enable, boolean
    $21=0 ; Hard limits enable, boolean
    $22=0 ; Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)
    $23=0 ; Homing direction invert, mask
    $24=25.000 ; Homing locate feed rate, mm/min
    $25=1000.000 ; Homing search seek rate, mm/min
    $26=250 ; Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds
    $27=2.000 ; Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters
    $30=1000 ; Maximum spindle speed, RPM
    $31=0 ; Minimum spindle speed, RPM
    $32=0 ; Laser-mode enable, boolean
    $100=40.000 ; X-axis steps per millimeter
    $101=10.000 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter
    $102=200.000 ; Z-axis steps per millimeter
    $110=5000.000 ; X-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    $111=5000.000 ; Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    $112=1000.000 ; Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min
    $120=1000.000 ; X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    $121=1000.000 ; Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    $122=1000.000 ; Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2
    $130=1000.000 ; X-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    $131=1000.000 ; Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters
    $132=100.000 ; Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters
  26. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    FWIW- I can cause the error to come and go with the scale factor on the X axis.

    my machine's scale factor is 40 steps per mm I get an error with 90.031steps per mm and I don't get an error with 90.062 steps per mm. I was just working through process of elimination and changed one parameter at a time and X steps / mm caused the error to occur

    Not sure where to go from here. Ideas?
  27. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    wrong (or different) GRBL version. when I load GRBL for the 4x from openbuildsCONTROL I get version

    please flash this version to your Uno so we are comparing apples to apples, we don't know what is going on inside 1.1h
    please also load a machine profile so we have a good starting point, I loaded the Sphinx but any of the 3 axis router machine profiles should do the job, you will have to turn off hard limits to be able to run code without homing.

    now lets look at what the Gcode is doing

    so, tool is at X4.8625 Y3.05
    arc command says go to X4.8525 Y3.04 with a radius of 0.01", going CCW, so, starting top right and moving left and down.

    a 10 thou radius arc is SMALL, but lets check that actual arc by drawing it in Sketchup.
    all the numbers make sense and the start and end radii are equal.
    There is no doubt the actual Gcode is CORRECT.
    so that leaves us with 'something' in that version of GRBL, or USB communications error.
  28. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:

    I have VER 1.1g.20181112 loaded.
    I have OpenBuilds Lead 1010 as the machine.
    I of course edited all the grbl commands to match my machine's needs

    X-axis scale factor set to anything below 90.31 results in an Error 33. My machine needs the X-axis scale factor to be 40.

    I still don't see this as a hardware issue, it has to be something in the software somewhere that's causing the problem.

    Attached are the gcode file and the log file pasted from the control program.

    [09:02:26] [ $I ] [VER:1.1g.20181112:LEADMACHINE1010]

    [09:02:26] [ $I ] [OPT:V,15,128]

    [09:02:26] [ $I ] ok

    [09:02:26] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:02:26] [ $G ] ok

    [09:02:27] [ connect ] Firmware Detected: grbl version 1.1g on /dev/tty.usbmodem1101

    [09:02:57] [ $100=40 ] ok

    [09:03:00] [ ] Grbl 1.1g ['$' for help]

    [09:03:00] [ ] ok

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $0=10 ;Step pulse time, microseconds

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $1=255 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $3=5 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $4=1 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $10=1 ;Status report options, mask

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $24=25.000 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $25=1000.000 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $27=2.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $30=1000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $31=0 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $100=40.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $101=10.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $102=200.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $110=5000.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $111=5000.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $112=1000.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $120=1000.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $121=1000.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $122=1000.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $130=1000.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $131=1000.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] $132=100.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [09:03:02] [ $$ ] ok

    [09:03:02] [ $I ] [VER:1.1g.20181112:LEADMACHINE1010]

    [09:03:02] [ $I ] [OPT:V,15,128]

    [09:03:02] [ $I ] ok

    [09:03:11] [ G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 ] ok

    [09:03:18] [ api ] Received new GCODE from API

    [09:03:18] [ api ] API called window into focus

    [09:03:18] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE Preview Rendered Succesfully: Total lines: 1185 / Estimated GCODE Run Time: 00h:03m

    [09:03:21] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE File (from gcode editor) sent to backend

    [09:03:21] [ (Made in : Autodesk CAM Post Processor) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (G-Code optimized for Grbl 1.1 / BlackBox controller) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (OpenBuilds CNC : GRBL/BlackBox) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion3601PostGrbl.cps V1.0.39) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Units = inch) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Laser UseZ = false) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Laser UsePierce = false) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Arcs are limited to the XY plane: if you want vertical arcs then) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (edit allowedCircularPlanes in the CPS file) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Drawing name : Testrectangle v5) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Program Name : testrectangle6) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (1 Operation :) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (1 : 2D Profile1) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ ( Work Coordinate System : G54) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ ( Tool 3: Plasma Cutter Diam = 1.377inch) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ ( Machining time : 0h:0m:51s) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ G90 G94 G17 ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ G20 ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Plasma pierce height 0.12) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Plasma topHeight 0.06) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Operation 1 of 1 : 2D Profile1) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ G54 ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:03:21] [ $G ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Plasma cutting with GRBL.) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ (Using torch height probe and pierce delay.) ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 F40 ] ok

    [09:03:21] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 Z0.6 ] ok

    [09:03:26] [ [ PROBE ] ] Probe Completed.

    [09:03:26] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] [PRB:123.500,77.500,9.095:1]

    [09:03:26] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] ok

    [09:03:26] [ G10 L20 Z-0.1969 ] ok

    [09:03:26] [ G0 Z0.12 ] ok

    [09:03:26] [ M3 S1000 ] ok

    [09:03:26] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M3 M9 T0 F152 S1000]

    [09:03:26] [ $G ] ok

    [09:03:28] [ G4 P1.8 ] ok

    [09:03:28] [ G1 Z0.06 F1016 ] ok

    [09:03:28] [ ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [09:03:28] [ ERROR ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [09:03:28] [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ] error:33

    [09:03:30] [ ] Grbl 1.1g ['$' for help]

    [09:03:30] [ JOB COMPLETE ] Job completed in 00h00m

    [09:03:30] [ ] ok

    Attached Files:

  29. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Random settings string in the connection handshake is weird too.

    Only that mac at hand? Curious if its Mac's Arduino USB driver (mac ftdi driver is solid, but you have a 16u2 emulating a serialport)
  30. MyJoule

    MyJoule New

    Feb 26, 2024
    Likes Received:
    Just moved the Arduino over to the Dell laptop.

    No difference. Log copied and pasted for reference.

    Still stumped...

    09:42:48] [ connect ] PORT INFO: Port is now open: COM4 - Attempting to detect Firmware

    [09:42:48] [ connect ] Checking for firmware on COM4

    [09:42:48] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 1 (Autoreset)

    [09:42:48] [ ] ok

    [09:42:48] [ connect ] Detecting Firmware: Method 2 (Ctrl+X)

    [09:42:48] [ ] Grbl 1.1g ['$' for help]

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $0=10 ;Step pulse time, microseconds

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $1=255 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $3=5 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $4=1 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [09:42:50] [ $$ ] $10=1 ;Status report options, mask

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $24=25.000 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $25=1000.000 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $27=2.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $30=1000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $31=0 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $100=40.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $101=10.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $102=200.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $110=5000.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $111=5000.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $112=1000.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $120=1000.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $121=1000.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $122=1000.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $130=1000.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $131=1000.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] $132=100.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [09:42:51] [ $$ ] ok

    [09:42:51] [ $I ] [VER:1.1g.20181112:LEADMACHINE1010]

    [09:42:51] [ $I ] [OPT:V,15,128]

    [09:42:51] [ $I ] ok

    [09:42:51] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:42:51] [ $G ] ok

    [09:42:52] [ connect ] Firmware Detected: grbl version 1.1g on COM4

    [09:43:20] [ api ] Received new GCODE from API

    [09:43:20] [ api ] API called window into focus

    [09:43:20] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE Preview Rendered Succesfully: Total lines: 1185 / Estimated GCODE Run Time: 00h:03m

    [09:43:23] [ G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 ] ok

    [09:46:37] [ api ] Received new GCODE from API

    [09:46:37] [ api ] API called window into focus

    [09:46:38] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE Preview Rendered Succesfully: Total lines: 1185 / Estimated GCODE Run Time: 00h:03m

    [09:46:44] [ G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ GCODE Parser ] GCODE File (from gcode editor) sent to backend

    [09:46:48] [ (Made in : Autodesk CAM Post Processor) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (G-Code optimized for Grbl 1.1 / BlackBox controller) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (OpenBuilds CNC : GRBL/BlackBox) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion3601PostGrbl.cps V1.0.39) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Units = inch) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Laser UseZ = false) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Laser UsePierce = false) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Arcs are limited to the XY plane: if you want vertical arcs then) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (edit allowedCircularPlanes in the CPS file) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Drawing name : Testrectangle v5) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Program Name : testrectangle6) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (1 Operation :) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (1 : 2D Profile1) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ ( Work Coordinate System : G54) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ ( Tool 3: Plasma Cutter Diam = 1.377inch) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ ( Machining time : 0h:0m:51s) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ G90 G94 G17 ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ G20 ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Plasma pierce height 0.12) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Plasma topHeight 0.06) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Operation 1 of 1 : 2D Profile1) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ G54 ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]

    [09:46:48] [ $G ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Plasma cutting with GRBL.) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ (Using torch height probe and pierce delay.) ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 F40 ] ok

    [09:46:48] [ G0 X4.8625 Y3.05 Z0.6 ] ok

    [09:46:52] [ [ PROBE ] ] Probe Completed.

    [09:46:52] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] [PRB:247.000,155.000,28.240:1]

    [09:46:52] [ G38.2 Z-3.937 F6 ] ok

    [09:46:52] [ G10 L20 Z-0.1969 ] ok

    [09:46:52] [ G0 Z0.12 ] ok

    [09:46:53] [ M3 S1000 ] ok

    [09:46:53] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G20 G90 G94 M3 M9 T0 F152 S1000]

    [09:46:53] [ $G ] ok

    [09:46:54] [ G4 P1.8 ] ok

    [09:46:54] [ G1 Z0.06 F1016 ] ok

    [09:46:54] [ ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [09:46:54] [ ERROR ] error: 33 - The motion command has an invalid target. G2, G3, and G38.2 generates this error, if the arc is impossible to generate or if the probe target is the current position. [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ]

    [09:46:54] [ G3 X4.8525 Y3.04 I0 J-0.01 F40 ] error:33

    [09:46:58] [ ] Grbl 1.1g ['$' for help]

    [09:46:59] [ JOB COMPLETE ] Job completed in 00h00m

    [09:46:59] [ ] ok

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