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Newbie Help Locating Error

Discussion in 'Control Software' started by dlamet, May 5, 2021.

  1. dlamet

    dlamet New

    May 4, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hello! I'm setting up my first GRBL on RAMPS / ATMegat2650. I have everything downloaded and can interact with the controller, but when I load up Universal Gcode Platform, it shows me a big, red "Alert". Furthermore, trying to execute a command to move X-axis motor fails. All that's happened with the controller is that it's booted up. Resetting results in the same thing.

    Here's the state of the controller. The UGS status is attached as an image.

    At this point, I'd like to determine the error code that's halting my progress. I can see there's an error from the big alert notice in UGP, but I've been unable to figure out what the error code is. Where do I look for that? Is there a GRBL log somewhere? A command that'll spit it out in the console? Thanks in advance!

    >>> $G
    [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0.0 S0]
    >>> $$
    $0 = 255 (Step pulse time, microseconds)
    $1 = 255 (Step idle delay, milliseconds)
    $2 = 255 (Step pulse invert, mask)
    $3 = 255 (Step direction invert, mask)
    $4 = 1 (Invert step enable pin, boolean)
    $5 = 1 (Invert limit pins, boolean)
    $6 = 1 (Invert probe pin, boolean)
    $10 = 255 (Status report options, mask)
    $11 = 2147483.648 (Junction deviation, millimeters)
    $12 = 2147483.648 (Arc tolerance, millimeters)
    $13 = 1 (Report in inches, boolean)
    $20 = 1 (Soft limits enable, boolean)
    $21 = 1 (Hard limits enable, boolean)
    $22 = 1 (Homing cycle enable, boolean)
    $23 = 255 (Homing direction invert, mask)
    $24 = 2147483.648 (Homing locate feed rate, mm/min)
    $25 = 2147483.648 (Homing search seek rate, mm/min)
    $26 = 255 (Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds)
    $27 = 2147483.648 (Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters)
    $30 = 2147483648 (Maximum spindle speed, RPM)
    $31 = 2147483648 (Minimum spindle speed, RPM)
    $32 = 1 (Laser-mode enable, boolean)
    $100 = 200.000 (X-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
    $101 = 100.000 (Y-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
    $102 = 100.000 (Z-axis travel resolution, step/mm)
    $110 = 2147483.648 (X-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
    $111 = 2147483.648 (Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
    $112 = 2147483.648 (Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min)
    $120 = 2147483.648 (X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
    $121 = 2147483.648 (Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
    $122 = 2147483.648 (Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2)
    $130 = 2147483.648 (X-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
    $131 = 2147483.648 (Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
    $132 = 2147483.648 (Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters)
    >>> X10
    [Error] An error was detected while sending 'X10': (error:9) G-code commands are locked out during alarm or jog state. Streaming has been paused.
    [Error] Error while processing response <An error was detected while sending 'X10': (error:9) G-code commands are locked out during alarm or jog state. Streaming has been paused.>

    Attached Files:

    #1 dlamet, May 5, 2021
    Last edited: May 5, 2021
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Send a $X to unlock and $H to home. Grbl expects you to Unlock and Home on startup.
    dlamet likes this.
  3. dlamet

    dlamet New

    May 4, 2021
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    That worked great. Thank you!
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Have a read through (the entire) Grbl Wiki : github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki it explains all these :)

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