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Open Controller Work Offsets and G30

Discussion in 'Interfaces' started by Ronald4418, Jan 10, 2021.

  1. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Is there anyway to use Work Offsets as well as a G30 Command using the Openbuilds Controller Software? I know it is standard in GRBL, I just can't figure out if I could create a Macro or there is a way of adding a Screen Addon to use these basic options and I can't find any information anywhere about creating a Macro. With a G54-G59 I setup my machine and be able to do Double Sided Machining without having to use some other method to align my work pieces. With a G30 Option it would be a simple way of having a location where I or anyone else could set their Tool Heights for each different cutter.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    You can include G54-G59s/G30/G28 etc in your gcode, or send via the Serial Console
  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    You can type G54 , G55 etc in the Serial command box (and of course have matching settings in your Gcode
    but, you cannot at this time use the setZero buttons to set the offsets for anything but G54.

    CONTROL is not aware of which WCS you have selected, which is a pity. (I have not found which source file does this job, I was going to try and do a status plugin)

    There is also no way to tell which one is selected, even if you give a ? in the serial console you will not see the reply, (Peter) yes I know CONTROL needs to parse the reply and is sending ?'s all the time, but when the user sends one, the user should see the reply, surely?

    Using G28 or G30 is easy, just jog to where you want to do your toolchange then give a G28.1 or G30.1 to tell the controller to store the offsets. (remember to put Z high)
    After this any future G28 or G30 will go to where you had the gantry, and it will be remembered through powerouts.

    The upshot is that if you want to use multiple WCS's then you need to switch to bCNC for your GUI (-: The cost of advanced features.

    However, for multisided cuts you don't actually need multiple WCS, just G54 will do fine. You need 2 alignment pins within the waste part of the material. Put the WCS in the center of one of the pins. Now your job is in 2 parts. Place the material and cut side A, which also drills the 2 pin holes down into the waste board.
    Detach material, insert pins, turn material over, and place on pins, clamp, cut side B.
    Of course you do need to do your side A and B drawings flipped on the axis of the pins. So flipped left to right if pins are vertical, or top to bottom if pins are horizontal.
    Plenty of howto's on youtube if you want visuals.
  4. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    I tried going the bCNC route but no matter what I tried I couldn't get it to run on Windows 10 Professional or on a Raspberry Pi 400 with Twister OS. Now Twister OS runs the Openbox Controller perfectly and there is No Need whatsoever with having to look for drivers or any need to install WebGL as it comes in the default form. I am going to make a note of what you said about the G28 and G30 and try it the next time around. As far as the Source Code for WCS, I seen it just recently and if I find it again, I will definitely forward it to you. Github is great, but for a non-programmer it isn't the easiest site to get around in and what you find one day may not be there the next.
  5. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Here is where I seen the source code that has the option of using WCS. I'm going to give it a go in a Virtual Drive on both Windows 10 Professional and Twister OS and will report back to you the results in a couple of days. terjeio/grblHAL
  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Grbl as installed on your controller also has support for it, no need for Grbl HAL!

    Control is a Beginner host. GRBL has hundreds of other host applications, if your use case is too advanced for the features in CONTROL, you replace your choice of host applicantion ( not the firmware)

    Openbox? :confused:
    Application = OpenbuildsCONTROL
    Hardware = OpenBuilds BlackBox
    Firmware = Grbl (official Gnea version)
    David the swarfer likes this.
  7. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    I'm just making sure that it will work with Blackbox Controller in Hyper-V in both Windows 10 Pro and Twister OS. in response to Swarfers response. And using Swarfers notation I will be using his suggestions. Besides if I can drill down and find the actual source code and adapt it to my copy of the Openbuilds controller, we all win. At present his notation has worked very well and he made it easier to understand at least on my end as there wasn't much input in the process. Be assured, I'm not knocking anyone else's input as input without an explanation gets me nowhere. Also, though I haven't quite figured out how to do it directly within SolidWorks. I have found a possible way to use SolidWorks 2021's CAM to create G-Code that the Openbuilds Controller will recognize. I love the Openbuilds Controller as it is a Direct Download and Installation compared to a lot of the others available which will only work in a Terminal. Have a Great Day and keep doing what you're doing, it is Greatly Appreciated.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  8. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Thankyou, I meant the source for OpenBuildSCONTROL.
    GRBL (in the BlackBox) knows very well about the WCS.
    But OpenbuildsCONTROL does not, and that is what I was considering modifying. but not today....
  9. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    I thought you might be able to use the source code from the probing routine to create an addon. I gave up trying to use a Hyper-V Virtual Machine to test whether or not I could modify the source code snippet to use in Openbuilds Controller. Can't get the darn Hyper-V Supervisor to load no matter what I do and Twister OS is only available as an .img file and Hyper-V won't allow you to open a .img file. Has to be an .iso file and none of the converters available will modify it.
  10. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    I saved a copy of your notification on using G30 and G28.8 to use on my machine. It worked perfectly, so I don't for the moment think I am going to worry about WCS. Thanks for posting the procedure on using these. Greatly Appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    I can't remember where I saved it but I need to change the way my machine homes with and I don't have a Moving Gantry along the Y-Axis. I remember having to use a Table to determine the correct orientation. I am setup with the Z-Axis Home Switch at the Top of its travel the X-at the Left Hand Side and Y-Axis all the way to the Front. I instead want the Y-Axis Homing all the way to the Rear instead now. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  12. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Discussed in your other thread: Trouble Shooting Open Controller
  13. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Thanks, I got a little Smarter this time and printed it all out including gnea/grbl.
  14. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Alright, so I printed it all out. Now can someone direct me in Plain Layman's English how I go about setting up my machine instead of some newfangled Boolean Whatever? I have never had any issues figuring out mechanical issue over the past 60+ years and though I maybe a Licensed Computer Tech I never learned Programming or had any interest in it.

    I want Z-Zeroed at the Top, X-Zeroed to the Left hand Side and the Y-Zeroed with my Moving Table at the Rear of its Travel with X and Y Zeroed in the Negative. I have managed to get everything operating correctly except my Homing Sequence and it won't accept a G28.1 without me first having Auto Home working. I've read the entire WIKI for GRBL and not being fluent in programming language has made my life difficult as it probably has quite a few others.
  15. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    So in Openbuilds CONTROL > grbl Settings
    Scroll down to Homing Dir Invert
    And from the dropdown, select the option that has a big black dot by X and Y, and a white empty circle for Z. You only want to invert X and Y
    David the swarfer likes this.
  16. Ronald4418

    Ronald4418 Well-Known

    Nov 4, 2015
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    Thank You for making it easier an understandable.

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