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      First a little about my cnc experience which equals none. This includes experience with cad/cam software as well. So I will be learning as I go and hopefully not do to many mistakes on the way. With some help from the members here, which i allready have startet to recieve, I believe this will be possible.

      So why am I building this? I love gadgets, and love to build stuff. I have a small woodworking shop in my basement and plan to use this there. Firstly for small woodworking projects, but also be able to cut som aluminum parts like brackets and mounts. I have been loking at doing this for the last 4-5 years. On the long run i plan to maybe make a larger macine and i would love to use this build to make parts for that.

      So whats my plan and what do i need to complete this.
      I have started to order parts and doing reaserch as to what i want to get. This can be divided in to the following areas:

      Base cnc kit:
      Ooznest OX cnc mechanical kit - ordered

      Modifications to OX kit:
      Dual belt on x and y axes - ordered
      C-beam for x axis - ordered

      1.5kw spindle + vfd - ordered

      Motion controller:
      Still doing research, but would like something that i can hook up with ethernet. Maybe a smoothstepper and g540.

      Auto z probe
      Limit switch or proximity sensors

      Have old machine that i will use.

      cad/cam - I'm liking autodesk Fusion 360 which is free for my use.
      Mach 3 or linux cnc
      Mark Carew likes this.
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  • Build Details

    Build License:
    • CC - Attribution Share Alike - CC BY SA

    Reason for this Build

    Gotta have it, just gotta have it

    Inspired by

    Ooznest OX CNC kit, openbuilds ox
  • Parts list

    Qty Part Name Part Link Comments
    1 Ooznest cnc mechanical kit http://ooznest.co.uk/3D-Printer-CNC-Kits-Bundles/OX-CNC-M... Link
    1 C-beam 500mm linear rail http://openbuildspartstore.com/c-beam-linear-rail/ Link
    1 GT 3 timing belt (3m) http://ooznest.co.uk/3D-Printer-Mechanical-Parts/Belts-Pu... Link
    1 1.5kw spindle + 1.5kw vfd http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1-5kw-cnc-router-spindle-m... Link
    1 Spindle mount http://m.ebay.com/itm/261607006495?nav=SEARCH Link From Chris Laidlaw
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