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Build Author mathom713 Views 8714
27" by 40" CNC
DIY design and build of a roughing 2' by 3.5' CNC router
Build Author Corey Corbin Views 5384
Ball Screw Carrier.
Create a ball screw carrier with out BF BK bearing blocks.
This build will use 1/2 inch copper water pipe as the primary material for all structural parts. As of now my intent is a cartesian design drawing from a few popular printers. I'm going to use the least amount of printed parts as possible and locally source as much as I can. I have built an EMT-conduit core-xy printer in the past and while it worked out fine, I feel copper is easier to work, manufactured with more precision, still reasonably inexpensive and will look super cool!
This project produced a movable framed canvas to cover a wall-mounted flat-screen TV when not being viewed, which at the touch of of a switch moves down below the TV and sound bar. The same switch is used afterwards to return the artwork up to cover the TV again. Photo shows mechanism without the canvas frame. See other photos.
Build Author Rob Taylor Views 9227
Grizzly G0758 Benchtop Mill Conversion
A proper CNC mill conversion. But quite small, with my trademark idiosyncracies.
Retractable WorkBee1510 with Marlin+MarlinPanel high level build
WorkBee1510 with retractable space saving stand and customize build Marlin firmware and MarlinPanel (GCode Sender/UI)
Build Author Joe F Views 7145
Rack and Pinion Cartesian Mill
This is a rework of a previous build I did on here, a mostly printed cartesian CNC. Initially intended to just be an update to that, but so many things changed including the linear motion and every single part has been modified significantly that I felt as though it deserved a whole new build.
Ox with Gecko Controller and CNC Linux
This build is the documentation of someone with no experience building the OX cnc machine with a Gecko G540 controller and CNClinux
Build Author sebf34 Views 30659
OX Based cnc 3000 x 1500 Double belt
OX Based CNC
Build Author mytechno3d Views 24953
Router / plasma cutting table ( Rack and pinion )
Heavy DIY plasma cutting table
Voxel Evolution
This is a remix of Marshal Peck's Voxel OX, with some design tweaks inspired by Makerparts and jjcolletta. It has a build area of 300mm X 300mm X 480mm, but is easily configured for just about any build area up to 500mm X 500mm X 750mm. I have used some laser cut acrylic plates and a couple of 3D printed parts in its construction, however it can be assembled using nothing but OpenBuilds parts with the exception of the heated bed and the Y axis carrier for the heated bed.
Build Author Robert Mech Views 8125
LayerFused X301 - CoreXY Large Volume Printer
The X301 is a CoreXY 3D Printer that has a small footprint and a large 300x300x330 build area. The open style of this printer breaks the "Cube" mold of many other printers in this class but still retails rigidity and great performance.
Build Author Crazzy French Dude Views 4009
PeeNaPle_V1.4b is a BoB controller board for 3D Printers, CnC and cartesian machine, using the latest Teensy_4.1
Build Author Quinnthouzand Views 2847
Mustardo - The Mustard Bot
The goal for this bot is to lay down mustard on sausages and burger patties in a smooth and sexy way that looks good for the camera.
Build Author Kenneth Witthuhn Views 7526
Openbuilds CNC (witthuhnCNC XKLBR-1S)
Based on the popular C-beam / V-wheel design, with the largest available work area, relative to machine size. Screw driven with anti-backlash, integrated drag chains, Carbon fibre gantry plates, Openbuilds BlackBox Controller (USB), Transformer & kill switches, with internal wiring, limit switches & Nema 23 motors.
Build Author Yosmany325 Views 1701
Cartesian style CNC with a working area of around 360mm x 360mm x 120 mm (X, Y, Z) using Linear rails and ball screws. The linear rails are (Hiwin?) HGR 20mm x 520mm and the ball screws are SFU1204 (12mm lead 4mm) of around +/- 430 mm. The base structure is made from rectangular aluminum profiles of 70mm x 45mm x 3mm (thickness of walls).
Build Author ajdubs Views 3728
A custom arcade
This is an arcade "cabinet" of sorts built almost entirely from OpenBuilds extrusions. Save for a few 3d printed parts, the electrical components, the acrylic panels, and the monitor mount, every component was purchased from the OpenBuilds part store.
Build Author Leboeuf Views 3923
Cartesian 3d printer
This is the build of a cartesian 3d printer made of an old Anet and Geeeteck, some 2020 alu profil and linear rail. Powered by a Rumba with a Nextion screen. It should be modular and accept dual Extrusion and laser engraving.
Build Author GinoTheCop Views 13593
A 1000 by 1000 CNC Router with linear rails and a control box.
Build Author Andreas Bockert Views 10693
Sphinx Z-axis upgrade
Upgraded Z-axis for Sphinx-style CNC using ball screws and linear rails.
ApiNui - CNC Router ( an oversized workbee )
Based on the WorkBee CNC, this is an oversized router built with a specific use-case in mind, for manufacutring beehives, and beehive components
1000 x 1000 Workbee powered by X controller
A standard 1000x1000 Workbee powered by an X-controller using a Hitachi router
Build Author Tristen Poliseno Views 2417
Back and forth rail mechanism
I have the whole description and all the details in the "Body" section!
Build Author HuguesP Views 5884
Peristaltic pumps, Automatic Cocktail mixer
This is an automatic cocktail mixer made with 8 small peristaltic pumps. this is driven with the touch screen or over wifi. the controller used is a raspberry pi with a Apache webserver
Build Author Alexander Leiser Views 14599
Paintbot painting cnc
Custom painting machine in designed and wrote the software for. Paintings are with acrylic color on canvas
Build Author Carl Feniak Views 279453
A robust Core XY style 3D printer that has a clean parallel belt implementation and whose dimensions are adaptable to meet builder's needs. The use of open builds V-slot and other open hardware make customization easy.
Build Author Forestbird Originals Views 4076
Lead 1010 Build - Anything but stock.
This is a lead 1010 build that I wanted to have a little fun with. I purchased the whole Lead 1010 kit, and felt like studying a few shortcomings of the original to see if I can improve it or just have some fun with it.
SharkBits Holder
Get organized with the SharkBits Holder!
Build Author gianakop Views 44485
Niko’s Egg-painter robot (OpenBuilds)
This EggBot design has a perfect functionality (the same as the original EggBot professional), a perfect cable and microcontroller arrangement, and a perfect cost as it uses a minimum list of parts (with one V-Slot Linear Rail size20mm x 80mm and length 500mm you can build 3 EggBots!)
Build Author HuguesP Views 8326
Yet Another Chinese Linear Rail CNC, my first one, doing this mainly for the fun of building it more than using it.
Behemoth cnc router with linear rails
Behemoth cnc router build in progress using hiwil rails and closedloop servos.
Build Author Andrew Helsel Views 11213
MiniMill Smoothie
MiniMill with DW611 and SmoothieBoard 4x v1.1
Build Author Neil Scott Views 2216
Barcelona Build
This will be my second CNC build but this time a proper CNC not a small desktop model that I played with for a while to learn Gcode, It was great but now its time to start playing with the big boys and girls.
Build Author SecretSpy711 Views 20314
Heavily upgrading my 1200x500 Shapeoko 2..., wait, scratch that... Building an all new machine, roughly the same size, that should be more rigid than a Shapeoko 3!
Rotary Axis for Laser Engraver/Cutter
This is a fully adjustable, low profile rotary axis for your Laser Cutter. Many OpenBuilds components are used, plus a handful of 3D printed parts.
LayerFused C201 - DIY 3D Printer Build, i3 Style
My DIY 3D Printer build which is similar to an i3 style printer. This is a fully documented step-by-step build with videos.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 16597
OneZ gets it's name from it's most unique feature - only motor for the Z axis while maintaining the stability of two bearing guides for the Z axis. Reduction to one Z motor eliminates need for auto bed leveling.
Fully 3D Printed Small CNC Router/Plotter
3D Printed CNC machine. The build is on Thingiverse. I posted it here to give props to the Openbuilds Control Software!
Gary's Mod Plates for OX Heavy Duty X and Z
Gary's take on the OX HD X and Z plates, making it stiffer, adding mini wheels to the C-beam and Quick removable Z axis.
Build Author megashub Views 22070
K40 C02 Laser Rail System
An Openbuilds replacement rail system for the common eBay "K40" C02 Laser Cutter
Build Author Mark Carew Views 88993
V-Slot™ Mini V Linear Actuator
Learn to build the V-SLOT Mini V Modular linear Actuator System and create all kinds of cool machines!
Build Author Craig Hollabaugh Views 3816
Hyatt and My Journey to Tonehenge
I'm conducing guitar loudspeaker cabinet fabrication technique research (material type/thickness, mechanical joints, adhesives, etc) and how these relate to cabinet/speaker coupling and enclosure resonance with respect to psycho-acoustics. Basically, does one speaker cab sound better than another and why?
Build Author recoush Views 7755
CoreXY 3D build one
an 8020 build with 1010 extrusion (1") Square tubing Rough size is 24x24x36 (600x600x900) The expected usable print area 21.5x21.5X32"roughly (510x510x760) An XY 3D printer with 3 extruders and 3 Z-axis 0.9 degree motors the table (Z-AXIS) will lift up to the XY Carriage on 3 12mm linear rod and 3 8mm Lead screw's Corexy designs complete and Z-axis build is started don’t have a 3D cad system yet so building my prototypes on a pcb layout tool
Build Author Cortellini Views 3460
The Feedback Fractal Project (Project) - building "A Monument For Our Time." As its intent is to build a monumental sculpture, the Project will produce an object d'art. Yet, once begun, the Project has evolved a life and character of its own. I continue to follow the thread woven by the materials, the processes, and the people that come to it and in the end the work will not only be a faithful rendition of an image and a concept, it will also be a tapestry of the story of its making.
Build Author taratata2016 Views 7135
Panther 3D printer
After use of the i3 Prusa 200x200x180, the volume increases to 300x300x450 on the V-Slot and driven by a Megatronics V3
Build Author Lasersc Views 9543
D&R Tiger Paw build combo
The Tiger Paw will be a 1000mm X 500mm Cartesian style CNC with the Minimill attached to the end. It is named the D&R Tiger Paw because my son, Daniel, and myself, Richard, will put this Tiger strong and fast machine together. Our goal is to have a Tiger strong build with a Paw print that wouldn’t take up a huge amount of space in our garage.
Reworked Routkit SD
I could not "tram" the spindle to the table. I found that the V Rails could not accurately be adjusted so the Gantry was equal distance from the spoilboard in multiple places.
Build Author viktop Views 16339
Simple CNC Router (Nema17, V-slot 2040, Arduino, GRBL)
An OX-inspired mini desktop mill.
Build Author Lasersc Views 4013
The D & R TigerPaw Trilogy
Hopefully this will be a quick guide to one way that you can add a laser to an existing CNC router.
Build Author James Evanko Views 5873
Laser Displacement Golf Ball Scanner
Getting an accurate scan of a golf ball can be difficult with general-purpose 3D scanners. This purpose-built golf ball scanner uses a very accurate Keyence LK-081 laser displacement sensor with an Open Builds linear actuator for the vertical axis and a Sherline CNC rotary table for the turntable. Scan detail is determined by the sample step size and can be set arbitrarily based on desired scan time.
Build Author pek Views 78297
Prusa i3 Bear Upgrade V2
Stronger frame for Prusa i3 MK2(s), MK2.5 and MK3 3D printer
Build Author roadss Views 23299
Rawcnc 1.5 Desktop Edition
This will showcase the build of my Rawcnc 1.5. A rigid cnc router from the Swedish company Rawcnc, featuring a rather cool linear motion system, rack & pinion and steel reinforced X-axis capable of milling aluminum.
Build Author msdosfx Views 5245
Workbee 1510 Screw Driven
Workbee 1510 screw driven build by MsDosFX.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 17777
V-Slot Modular Sit/Stand Desk
In this build we put together an awesome modular stand-up or sit down desk that is perfect of any home or office.
KeePrint Monster
Large 2 foot x 3 foot x 4.5 foot build volume Core XY printer build in process at this point. I am designing everything from scratch and using typincal parts bought from amazon for the build.
Mushu - Large Scale CoreXY
20x26x28 inch Build Volume CoreXY. Unlike many builds, I've decoupled the XY movements from the Z-Axis lead screws to help prevent Wobble, will be using linear guide rails, and mains powered bed heater, and a bed that is Allowed to thermally grow. This build is JUST narrow enough to fit through a standard sized doorway.
Build Author KronBjorn Views 3752
WorkBee Lead 1010, Reduced Footprint, Nema17
This is a WorkBee 1000x1000mm with lead screws and Nema17's. It has a reduced footprint, with the geared Nema's inside the frame.
Vacuum laser table
Large 10’x6’ vacuum table made from steel tubing and 1/4 inch steel plate
Build Author RobFromLDMS Views 4226
Lithgow Mens Shed CNC build
The tale of how we put together our CNC Router, and some of the difficulties encountered. It is now ready for final testing and commissioning.
Rotary CNC
I'm building a machine specifically for doing 4th axis work on woodwind instruments.
Build Author RV6APilot Views 3481
South Carolina Workbee 1000X1000
This is about my build of a Workbee 1000X1000 being built here in Trenton, SC. My goal is to use it to help cut the new panel for my RV6A airplane.
Build Author John J Talavera Views 17528
This build was very complex due to the fact I wanted to create a low cost larger than normal CNC. I did not want a MDF or plastic body. I wanted it to be able to do more than most CNC routers this size on the market.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 33095
PhlatPrinter MK 3
The Phlatprinter 3 was designed to be used in a small shop with the ability to cut large sheets of foam for RC airplane projects. The idea was that you could save all of your aircraft as models and tweak to perfection after every flight.
Build Author MarkM_NJ Views 18838
Spartacus Inspire
My very first openbuilds cnc machine. Followed along DaztheGas's Spartacus build.
Build Author Cortellini Views 4734
the Feedback Fractal project
The Story of the Scecina Memorial High School 1510 BUILD will unfold through a series of 10 minute Episodes. Each episode will consist of video showing how to assemble some aspect of the 1510 overlaid with a discussion about Technology, Art, Philosophy... and Life the Universe and Everything. Episode two is soon to follow. If sufficient interest ensues, the episodes may continue beyond the building of the 1510 to relate its use in the making of the Art.
Open source large format CNC-machine and 3D printer
For a schoolproject we decided to build this large format CNC-machine. The greatest part of the mechanics were sourced from OpenBuilds.
SMD Pick and place machine - Smoothieboard/OpenPnp
A dual head PNP machine that uses Openbuilds hardware, a Smoothieboard controller, dual camera vision, automatic/drag feeders, and OpenPnp.
Large format plasma ox
I will update this as I go, cad files upon request. My x beam is basically a belt driven r7
Build Author JerwanDavis Views 5110
Coined by my family as the: Davomatic
Build Notes: Here are all the parts necessary to re-produce this design. Please note, all of the parts are either sourced through openbuilds or have been selected and printed from thingiverse.
Build Author Cosmosteel Views 3773
Clear Acrylic Dust Shoe
Attaches router with screw clamping. Clear Skirt is 2" long or can be made longer if requested. Works well keeping dust within the chamber. It can be made to fit shapeoko, ox cnc, workbee, xcarve, 6040, laguna,piranha, millright etc. with similar setup including Bosh, Makita , dewalt 611 routers or spindles.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 5256
OpenCase Mounting Kit
The OpenCase Mounting Kit makes wire management quick and easy!
Build Author Metalguru Views 13142
C-Beam Machine Too
C-Beam Machine upgrade using linear rails to increase machining size by 2.5 times and increase rigidity
Build Author patnap71 Views 5843
All metal frame 500mm bed Delta 3D printer
Build Author Christian James Views 7658
Workbee "style" 1010 cnc
This build is based on the Workbee 1010 CNC. It is not a kit build and is much the same as the original but with some significant changes made here and there as the build progresses.
Build Author TurfnSurf Views 6136
Theoretical Working Area: 360x360x75mm Actual Working Area: 300x300x75mm Will Update Later
Rigidbot Big with glass bed
Started with a Rigidbot Big Added a single flat glass bed Used a Smoothieboard clone driving DRV8825
Build Author joetemus Views 5533
Shapeoko 2 Z-Axis Upgrade
This is a major redesign to the Z-axis of an otherwise stock Shapeoko 2.
Build Author David Hartkop Views 2256
Humanitarian Medical Instrument Sterilizer Made from RepRap Parts
Instructions to build an open-source off-grid medical instrument sterilizer that can be used by aid workers in places without reliable electrical power
Build Author Lumberjack Engineering Views 18412
SOLAC: Space Optimized LAser Cutter
The Space Optimized LAser Cutter is a 40 watt CO2 laser cutter that supports a maximum part volume of 24" x 16" x 6.25". It consists of a V-slot frame + brackets/mounts designed to be 3D printed on a consumer desktop printer. Total cost of the machine is ~ $1,400 USD.
Build Author Savvas Views 16797
CNC Control Box with VFD etc etc
I'm currently working on the CNC control box, before doing any future work on the CNC Mountain Machine. I want the controller to be future proof and as professional as I can manage. I am planning to use stepper drivers, PSU's, a motor contactor unit to turn everything on, as well as a VFD and proximity limits switches. Each video will document the process and steps involved in researching, designing, planning and assembling a controller. I am not a natural electrician so learning as I go.
Build Author Eric Jacobsson Views 13423
The Floating Dust Shoe
I wanted a dust shoe that have a easy access to tool change and something that kind of float on the surface. And I have seen shoes with long brush that sucked in by the vacuum. I think I have the solution too all that here.
Build Author Connor Mckeown Views 5461
My Prusa Build
The process from my bought printer, to a custom home built machine
Build Author Rob Mahan Views 11871
Rob's C-Beam Machine XLarge
This is my first CNC router build, so I started with the OpenBuilds C-Beam Machine XLarge mechanical bundle, including four high torque stepper motors. I took my time with the mechanical build, sought and found some great help for my control system, and designed and built a custom cabinet to house everything.
Sphinx 1050
Openbuilds 1050 Sphinx. Thank you to Mark Carew for trading me a set of plates for a spindle and PSU I was not using. Mark is a champ!
Build Author Liam Dahler Views 5570
Affordable Cartesian Printer (Initial Design)
This specific build page is a collection of screenshots sampling some of my initial SolidWorks design and pictures showing physical construction of the initial design. I will be creating individual build articles as I redesign, test, and implement new aspects of the printer.
Delta without vertices
As this is a build in progress, I will update it as I progress.
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 31934
MakerSL MSL-5 Cantilevered 3D Printer
This is a simple cantilevered 3D Printer. It is designed around the OB V-Slot linear rails. I am trying to simplify this as much as possible, all rails will be 250mm long and only one will require cutting (it will be cut in half). The printer will use all OB wheels and gantry plates where applicable, all other plates can be either Laser Cut or 3D Printed (files will be provided for both). I am not set on electronic as of yet, but plan to use a single control Arduino/Ramps control.
Build Author James Evanko Views 3323
Ball Trajectory Machine
Need to build a machine that accurately positions objects for processing by a computer vision algorithm? Here is an example of a machine that does that for a ball trajectory application. The black anodized V-rails work well for applications in optics and imaging where the machine needs to stay out of the limelight.
300x300 belt drive laser etching/cutting platform. The design was borrowed from another's blog and customized to fit materials on-hand. Was a very fun project to assemble.
Workbee CNC 1500
Trying to build a machine of atleast 4x4ft working area. Work is in progress, hope to finish it soon
Build Author Rick Holder Views 14093
Gantry Type CNC with Makita Router
The machine has met and exceeded my expectations on repeatability and accuracy. Cost was approx £600 including the Windows tablet.
Design and Performance Evaluation of A Large FDM 3D Printer
This build includes the design of a large FDM 3D printer. This machine has a 796mm by 796mm by 900mm (LxWxH) build volume. Motion is controlled by servo motors and the printer runs on python-based marlin firmware.
Build Author Michael.M Views 8580
Sphinx Evolution
Let me explain: About a year ago I was planning to build a CNC router of my own design. I started gathering components including the THK linear rails. I soon found out you pretty much need a CNC to build a CNC and this is when I decided to build my Sphinx machine. I've had these rails and some other parts sitting around so it's time I used them! I'm planning to incorporate linear rails and 1605 ballscrews into the Sphinx design. I really like the overall appearance of the Sphinx.
Build Author signzonepr Views 11350
HD c Beam CNC Router
24x32 Cnc Router, I used vSlot c Beam Extrusion and Wheels!
Build Author Jones Views 3075
The Domino - 1.5m x 1m
DIY scratch build consisting of gas pipe, skate bearings, 12mm birch, 3/4 maple v-core ply, Nema 23's, and arduino and CNC shield with DRV8825's.
CNC Lathe Upgrade
So, not much here, as I'm still building, but I'm putting in the work.
eTrueUp Glide
A TrueUp Glide modified to use 20x40 V-Slot with a 300x300 bed.
Build Author Kyo Views 5696
C-beam Delta Printer
Large scale delta robot using c-beam as the core frame component.
Stinger-Panting Images in the Air
Stinger displays images in the air by using a single column of LEDs. Special computer code converts graphics to pixels; then, the pixels are send to the strings of LEDs, which with the help of of the motor's fast movement the most colorful are displayed on thin air.
From plywood and linear rail to c-beam. I probably should have bought a kit.