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Build List

GridBot Two: Powerfully Simple

Dec 27, 2021
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Core XY, sensor-less homing, integrated camera, touch screen, pi, 32-bit controller, fast, quiet, beautiful prints. 300 x 300 x any build volume. Just change out the Z lead screws, rods, and four pillars. Total BOM around $700 USD. Build time around 6 hours.


Oct 11, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is the adult version of the QU-BD juvenile known as their OneUp. It not only uses extrusion framing instead of press board MDF, it is a full sized 8x8 build area w/ABS-Nylon capability. Only the OneUp's single Z axis driver concept is similar. I'm tempted to call it OneUpAdult for marketing.

Warnke CNC Router

Sep 5, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A blend of modular aluminum and steel bracketry built to yield fine cuts in hardwood and aluminum. An open table with a shiftable pin-fixture concept will allow the operator to shift longer than Y-travel work-pieces, such as doors, along the Y-axis of the table. This machine has a 44" (X) by 24" (Y) by 8" (Z) travel with water cooled VFD spindle motor, t-slot ext work table, cable carriers, side guards n dual y drives. Total weight (w/base-stand) is about 600lbs.


Jan 17, 2021
Furniture Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This project produced a movable framed canvas to cover a wall-mounted flat-screen TV when not being viewed, which at the touch of of a switch moves down below the TV and sound bar. The same switch is used afterwards to return the artwork up to cover the TV again. Photo shows mechanism without the canvas frame. See other photos.

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