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LayerFused X301 - CoreXY Large Volume Printer

Aug 25, 2020
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The X301 is a CoreXY 3D Printer that has a small footprint and a large 300x300x330 build area. The open style of this printer breaks the "Cube" mold of many other printers in this class but still retails rigidity and great performance.

MakerSL MSL-65 Manual Coffee Grinder Stand

Jan 5, 2020
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I know this build is a little off category here at OB, but I wanted to share it with the community (as well as other coffee lovers) and show however vast the possibilities are when OB hardware is involved. This is a powered stand intended to operate a manual coffee grinder. It is compact, light, portable and uses simple drive components (B&D Cordless Screwdriver). I will post two version, V-1 (Beginner skill level ) and V-2 (Intermediate skill level). Both accomplish the same results.

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