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80watt Lasercutter, workingarea 105x52[cm], steel frame

Dec 13, 2017
Laser Cutter Builds
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I will write a short buildlog here with mostly pictures. I designed this lasercutter in solidworks(not totally finished) for a good overview and such that the steel tubes could be lasercut by a company, the metal frame is based on the lasercutter the KÄSER, which you can find on cnczone.nl. The mechical parts are designed by myself because I had no mill to my use, so the mechnical parts are lasercut(same company as tube) steelplates welded together.

Rezo 1390 100W CO2 Laser

Jul 26, 2023
Laser Cutter Builds
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Build Complete!

This laser is a beast. Designed by Jonathan Frost, and built with 45x45mm aluminum for ultimate rigidity. It has a 4'x3' bed with a pass through that can be utilized to cut full 8x4' sheets of plywood, and has a motorized bed. Rēzo is not only faster and more capable than lasers like Thunder Lasers Nova 51 and Aeon Nova 10, but the final build costs are 40-60% less than said commercially available machines. Plans can be found at https://rezo1390.bigcartel.com/product/rezo-1390-plans

1250x1000 Build

Jan 9, 2020
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A new design of my based on a couple different machines I have seen both on openbuilds and youtube. In the end will have a and X/Y workspace of 1250mm x 1000mm and a Z axis range of about 200mm.

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