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Build Author Mark Carew Views 1170726
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine
OpenBuilds OX CNC Machine. A strong easy to build shop CNC router that can be sized to suit your needs. Many new features have been incorporated into the OX to make it a great router that is sure to inspire!
Build Author Kyo Views 140023
C-beam Sphinx
A strong desktop cnc router that will enable you to make larger aluminium plates without taking up to much room. Simple, strong and opensource ! Build one today..
Build Author Indieflow Views 111286
Indie i2
A lightweight, portable, accurate 3D Printer that has a good sized print area and small overall footprint that is easy to build, with easy to source components. The design is OpenSource allowing those with the capability to make their own parts get up and running.
Build Author Michael.M Views 62734
This machine has been in the works for quite a while. Most of the plates were cut with my Shpinx machine. I have a lot more photos and information to share soon.
5 X 5 Plasma SIMPLE Build
5 X 5 Plasma table...Hypertherm 45 XP....CandCNC....Openbuilds
This will be an Aluminum OX build. Plates and all design credit goes to Mark from open builds. I may add my own touches but mainly this is to see how Aluminum plates perform
Build Author Mark Carew Views 213796
OpenBuilds ACRO System
The OpenBuilds ACRO System was developed to be the most accurate and cost effective positioning system in its class. The ACRO System incorporates the OpenBuilds V-Slot system and, therefore, has the unique ability to expand to multiple sizes creating a size configuration custom to your needs. Choose the size that best fits your workshop. This versatile system allows for precise positioning of many different mountable tools and attachments.
Build Author Robert Hummel Views 150587
Laser V
With such great success/attention my laser got, I ended up with a good friend that would like to dabble in stencil art and so I have decided to share my build with him and you here :) I will be using all the same electronics as in my previous build except the driver boards I will be using are the famous reprap 4988's they are more easy to come by and cost less. I will also be using open builds mini v wheels/v groove extrusion just so I can get a feel for their versatile products
Build Author Michael.M Views 38239
7050 Sphinx
This is a Kyo Sphinx CNC Router build. Working Area: 350mm X 500mm Link to original design:
Openbuilds Co2 80w Laser Cutter
Co2 80 watt openbuilds laser cutter, 1200mm laser tube, 1500x1000x500mm dimensions. Build frame first and then panels to be added.
Build Author pedrofernandez Views 35027
Openbuilds Table Top 50w Co2 Laser Cutter/Engraver
DIY build of a Co2 Laser cutter/engraver 12x24 working area.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 256109
C-Beam® Machine - Plate Maker
This C-beam Machine is an in affordable CNC plate maker and 3D carving machine!
Build Author Robert Hummel Views 69717
890KV OX RC spindle
This build is intended as a light alternative to the Dremel rotary tool.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 144635
OpenBuilds MiniMill
This OpenBuilds Mini Mill is a great go-to desktop sized CNC milling plate / part maker and 3D carving machine!
Build Author Savvas Views 18356
C-Beam Lead Screw CNC Mountain
I’m making a desktop CNC machine based on the C-Beam platform. It will be driven by Tr8 Lead Screws, and initially made from 12mm birch ply plates.
Build Author Janis93 Views 13930
1000x1000 Two version of router Belt and Screw
Cheap sheet metal gantry solutions, for diy belt driven cnc and screw driven cnc.
Beefed-up and customized OX build
My Machine is based on the OX CNC designed by Mark Carew as well as the ooznest kit, and it incorporates a bunch of my own details and revisions to increase performance and robustness. It has become way more beastly than I originally planned!
Build Author beardyblair Views 24288
Sphinx XL
My build log of an adapted Sphinx design with additional height and a larger X and Y axis.
Build Author LukasK Views 21864
I have completed some custom build 3d printers (i3 and delta style) and a cnc mill based on v-slot and c-beam. From the beginning the cnc was built to fit/change between router, 5w led laser module and plotter pen. While all three works great, the build is primarily focused on heavy duty milling and brings some disadvantages when it comes to laser - slow because of leadscrew motion system and not as powerful because of “only” led laser. That is why I have started this build of co2 laser machine.
Build Author blterry1 Views 16942
The Beeline CNC
Here are the instructions to build the Beeline custom CNC router table.
Build Author Robert Hummel Views 24519
Stinger V Micro Mill
While building my OX AI I found myself with left over v slot and thought to myself, what do I need that I can build using them? Well since I make a lot of my own PCB boards for projects I figured a micro PCB mill would fit the bill ;) With inspiration from the OX and OX AI I give you the Stinger V :)
OpenBuilds ACRO Z Axis
Z-Axis for OpenBuilds ACRO system. It is sturdy enough to carry a small drill.
Build Author roadss Views 23309
Rawcnc 1.5 Desktop Edition
This will showcase the build of my Rawcnc 1.5. A rigid cnc router from the Swedish company Rawcnc, featuring a rather cool linear motion system, rack & pinion and steel reinforced X-axis capable of milling aluminum.
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 15285
MakerSL MSL-8 OB Vise
Small Machining Vise designed around 20x80 Openbuilds Rail System
Build Author that-jim Views 43040
LINEAR RAIL SPHINX 55 (Blue OX plates)
Machine based on Sphinx 55 built with linear rails.
Build Author Ryan Lock Views 131022
Ooznest OX CNC Machine
The Ooznest OX CNC Machine Kit is based on the OX CNC Machine designed by Mark Carew, and it incorporates many upgrades from this community. The plate designs in our kit are based on the originals. However we have added our own touches to increase the performance and design of the machine. To complement Mark's build videos, we have made a complete written instruction manual, with IKEA'eske assembly diagrams.
Build Author alan richard Views 46634
Core-XY Cube
An enclosed cube shaped 3D printer using CoreXY motion. Fabricated from V slot extrusion, standard extrusion, aluminium plate and acrylic sheet using basic workshop tools. Using standard RAMPS/ Reprap electronics. Technically a 'Repstrap' currently used to build a true 'Reprap'
Build Author Mark Carew Views 30799
High Z Mod for Lead CNC
The High Z modification for the LEAD CNC brings your creative capabilities to new heights! With 8" of clearance this modification can be adapted easily to your existing LEAD CNC Router.
Build Author Keith Davis Views 29434
Combines the layout factor of a CoreXY while using Cartesian logic. The design has a fixed build plate - moving an X/Y frame on the Z axis enclosed by an outer main frame.
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 31940
MakerSL MSL-5 Cantilevered 3D Printer
This is a simple cantilevered 3D Printer. It is designed around the OB V-Slot linear rails. I am trying to simplify this as much as possible, all rails will be 250mm long and only one will require cutting (it will be cut in half). The printer will use all OB wheels and gantry plates where applicable, all other plates can be either Laser Cut or 3D Printed (files will be provided for both). I am not set on electronic as of yet, but plan to use a single control Arduino/Ramps control.
Build Author tshilling Views 33919
K40 12x24in rebuild (In Original Case)
Rebuilt the internals of a K40 to allow for a 12 x 24 in cutting area while reusing the same external case and not touching the laser tube.
Build Author Lumberjack Engineering Views 18416
SOLAC: Space Optimized LAser Cutter
The Space Optimized LAser Cutter is a 40 watt CO2 laser cutter that supports a maximum part volume of 24" x 16" x 6.25". It consists of a V-slot frame + brackets/mounts designed to be 3D printed on a consumer desktop printer. Total cost of the machine is ~ $1,400 USD.
CO2 laser.
Here it is my intention to show what was involved in adding a CO2 laser to my existing CNC machine.
Build Author Kyo Views 33833
Sphinx 1050
This is going to be a Sphinx 1050 build. Starting off as a stock kit build using industrial electronics and opensource control software. Mods and upgrades to follow.
Build Author Ronald van Arkel Views 32526
Routy GT2 290 BSX CNC Router, Low Cost and Good!
The Routy GT2 300 BSX CNC Router is a Low Cost CNC build. It performs the same as the larger Routy's from OpenBuilds but doesn't break the bank!
Build Author viktop Views 21600
Simple Cnc System (arduino Grbl)
Arduino powered simple CNC system using GRBL firmware. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.
Build Author nickchnv Views 10580
Rigid Compact Desktop C-BEAM
This modified C-Beam, is a compact, powerful and affordable desktop CNC.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 68749
X Y Table OpenRail / V-Slot Build Examples
The X/Y table system is a great starting point for many CNC projects giving you the ability to move an object on the X and Y axis in a simple compact style.
Build Author Sword66 Views 12553
The Archon R2
The Archon "In the style of Cartesian movement." A brief overview, guide and summary of my highly experimental build. and some insight into the challenges of building such a large format/belted machine.
Build Author winand Views 17036
YAOR (Yet Another Openbuilds Router)
Yet Another Openbuilds Router, my version :-)
Build Author OffAxis Views 6565
OffAxis CNC 1000x1500
Cut Area: 825 x 1340. Max Cutting depth: 2 inches. Arduino based control with Nema 23 and Nema 17 drive. 8mm leadscrew and 2GT belt drive. 400W 48V quite cut spindle.
Yet Another LEAD CNC Build
My take on the LEAD CNC build. Followed the instructions and I think it came together very nicely. Added a few of my own touches to finish up the build.
Build Author Rick 2.0 Views 15427
C-Beam Mini Mite
A small system with a big bite. Design achieves a good balance between machine size vs. build area, rigidity and ease of construction all while keeping build cost as low as possible.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 82189
V-Slot™ Belt & Pinion Example Build
The OpenBuilds team has redefined the belt and pinion concept. By using standard OpenBuild components were able to improve on this system in ways that will save on cost and enhance its engineering capabilities.
Build Author JWhitten Views 13051
Build #2 - Bigger & Stronger
Large format CNC router with a 1500mm x 3000mm cutting envelope (5 x 10 ft) strong enough to cut wood and aluminum constructed from 20-series and 40-series aluminum extrusions. Complete Project Log w/ Pictures:
Build Author Eric Jacobsson Views 13429
The Floating Dust Shoe
I wanted a dust shoe that have a easy access to tool change and something that kind of float on the surface. And I have seen shoes with long brush that sucked in by the vacuum. I think I have the solution too all that here.
Build Author viktop Views 16350
Simple CNC Router (Nema17, V-slot 2040, Arduino, GRBL)
An OX-inspired mini desktop mill.
Build Author Bud Griffin Views 10758
BF3D OX (Big Freakin' 3D OX)
This is my latest printer build. The second printer I've built using V-Slot.
Behemoth cnc router with linear rails
Behemoth cnc router build in progress using hiwil rails and closedloop servos.
Build Author Peter Oakes Views 41850
The Bull Dog, A RoverCNC OX based 1500mm x 1500mm CNC - Tutorial build
I have based this build on the OX build so I will not be going into too much detail of specefic assembly modules as they asre so well covered by Mark Carew already, but will go through the complete build on video. I will be addig additional tutorials on steppers and the other electronic parts as needed though as this project is sponsored by RS Components in the form of most of the Electronics and this is also the key focus of my YouTube channel
Build Author pedrofernandez Views 10728
Another Sphinx 7550 Made by an Openbuilds Cbeam
feel free to ask anything about this builds, but im a airline pilot and sometimes responding maybe will take me. while!!
Build Author Mark Carew Views 70509
OpenBuilds Workbee 1010 (40" x 40")
The OpenBuilds WorkBee 1010 - 1000x1000 Lead Screw Driven CNC Machine
Build Author that-jim Views 8008
Z-Axis Upgrade For My Sphinx
Z-Axis Upgrade For My Sphinx
Build Author inhan Views 19968
Openbuilds rovo laser mini(오픈빌드)
laser mini 20 * 40 OPENBUILDS base frame.(크기 412x455mm) laser mini 20*40 기본프레임입니다. 기존 여러부품을 사용한 제품보다 부품수를 줄이면서 최소한의 단가를 뽑을려고 디자인했습니다.. 기존대비 부품수 절반에 단가도 절반을 줄이면서 최적의성능을 내려합니다.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 78141
OpenBuilds Workbee 1510 (60" x 40")
The OpenBuilds WorkBee 1510 - 1500x1000 Belt Driven CNC Machine
openbuilds rovo c-beam (700*1000)(1000*1000)한국오픈빌드.
Open the build will create open and sharing. 오픈빌드는 만들고 오픈하고 공유합니다.
Build Author Ronald van Arkel Views 15465
Upgrading the C-Beam machine
So we have new plates, stronger motors, belt drive reduction, but what should we do with them? In this article you might find the answer you were looking for as we took an “old” C-Beam machine and started to upgrade the X/Z body and added more torque and precision to the Z-axis.
Build Author nc3dpw Views 21385
(Portable) Large Format 3d Printer 4ft square frame. Build Volume 36in x 36in x 36in
Large format printer build based off successful small Corexy. I figured it could be scaled to large format and be portable. Portable meaning by removing a few pieces it could effectively be rotated out of a standard door frame.
Build Author Scott Drake Views 16834
1500x1000 CNC Router
1500x1000, additional frame stiffening from laser cut Stainless steel bracing plates, Nema 34 motor upgrade and Hiwin 16mm ballscrew additions on the way. Ethernet Smooth stepper control, 2.2kw Water cooled spindle. Schneider atv320 variable speed drive. SICK inductive limit switches, Leadshine Em882S stepper drivers ,1kw 62V supply for Stepper drives
Build Author Ryan155 Views 10060
I made a mill from first principles because I didn't like any of the ones that were out there, More info can be found on the website
Build Author Steve B Views 14749
OX PPR - Portable Plasma/Router
PPR = Portable Plasma/Router. A ~30x30"work area with leadscrews. Work surface is below support members. Can be placed ONTO cutting surface.
Build Author Bridge Port Views 7918
CNC Line Boring Machine
This is a CNC Line Boring Machine for our cabinet shop. It drills the holes every 32 mm for the adjustable shelf pins in the cabinet side pieces. I chose this option over purchasing a multi-head boring machine that requires 11 drill bits - Left & Right hand twist - that also requires a lot of strength to plunge that many drill bits into the wood to be drilled.
MakerSL style vice - using just off-the-shelf-parts (NB UNTESTED WIP)
An attempt at copying the using just off-the-shelf OpenBuilds Parts - no machining
Build Author M^3 Views 20742
M Cubed CNC Mill
A no-nonsense CNC mini mill to get the job done.
Build Author Hytech2k Views 32768
Triple Shot R-P-M Area 51 CNC Parts
We wanted to create a rapid prototyping machine with excellent 3D printing, laser cutting and engraving, and light CNC router work capabilities.
Build Author James Archer Views 12459
Archer - An extendable all metal 3D printer
This is an all metal build using OpenBuilds V-Slot linear rails to produce a high quality and cost effective 3D printer. The printer is designed to be scalable for your desired build area and can utilize high quality hotends with 16mm groove mounts such as E3D.
Build Author Sonny Lowe Views 6121
The MakerSL Customized OB Minimill
This is my interpretation of the OB Minimill, what I've changed so far, and what may continue to change as my requirements change.
My C-Beam 3D Printer
Larger format FDM printer using C-Beam linear stages
Build Author chenderson Views 11447
CRH C-BEAM Router, steel capable
C-beam based CNC router using mostly openbuilds parts.
Build Author Joerharris Views 5861
Joe Harris's all metal CNC Router build
I'm building a CNC router in my garage (almost finished!) and I'm keeping a video build log of the process in the hope it may be useful to others wanting to do the same. I don't have much in the way of fancy tools so expect a bit of innovation on the way!
Build Author Glenn Weston Views 9605
"AcroCadabra" My Acro Laser built with my C-Beam XL
Well I built a C-Beam XL around a year ago, I am still learning things as I make stuff with it, it has been quite a wonderful learning experience. Now I have gained enough confidence and knowhow to Mill the required Plates to build an Acro Laser System using the Acro Laser Sketchup Model. I have pulled the Model apart in Sketchup, isolated the Plates and generated the G-Code to cut/Mill the plates. I have used Sketchucam to generate the G-Code. I Use Mach3 on my C-Beam XL to Mill.
Routy GT2 300 BSX CNC Router
This is the first project that I would like to share with you. I know the build looks familiar and it is; it’s based on kram242´s Routy. Work area is 300*500*55 mm and is NEMA17/GT2 belt driven.
MakerSL MSL-21 OB Minimill Enclosure
Simple enclosure for the OB Minimill
Build Author BNMaker Views 10269
A minimalist 2-axis A2 sized laser diode cutter/engraver. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 29929
OpenBuilds Sphinx 1050 (20" x 40")
The OpenBuilds Sphinx 1050 - 500x1000 Lead Screw Machine
HandCrafted WorkBee - HCWB
This will be a slow build as I collect parts and materials as funds permit for 1000mm x 1000mm Workbee. I call it the "Hand Crafted WorkBee" because I will be hand making the plates and as much of the build as possible using a drill press and hand tools.
Build Author obmilllivebuild Views 10739
Live OpenBuilds MiniMill -> MiniPrint/Laser Conversion Demo @ MRRF2019
Transformation of an OpenBuilds Mini Mill into a convertible 3D printer / CNC mill with interchangeable tooling. Maybe a bonus conversion TBD.
MiniMill build
A table top OpenBuilds MiniMill build. 48V 52mm spindle with ER11 collets.
Build Author CNCGear Views 8901
The BlackBee CNC
Ball screw drive, linear rail CNC Kit
Desktop CNC
A desktop Cartesian CNC router
Build Author Jason Moore Views 11011
Lead1500 Plasma Table w/THC
lead machine plasma table with Black Box, and Torch Height Control
My ACRO Build
An ACRO laser put together with some repurposed and some new parts.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 59061
V-Slot NEMA 23 Linear Actuator (Lead Screw)
Learn to build a super strong nema 23 lead driven linear actuator
Build Author Mark Carew Views 119404
C-Beam™ Linear Actuator
Here are a few helpful C-Beam actuator ideas that will help you get a start on your builds
My Second CNC
In short...this was a fun project.
Build Author UltiBots Views 9692
Machined Aluminum MagBall Carriages
Machined Aluminum MagBall Carriages
My first OX build
This is the story of my experience building a 1000 x 750mm OOZNest OX CNC router
Build Author Carl Siren Views 6621
CNC-machine 650by700
A home-made CNC-machine with a 1.5 kW air cooled spindle motor suitable for milling materials such as wood, plastic and soft metals. The work table is 650 mm wide by 700 mm deep and the maximum movement is set to 560 mm for the x-axis, 480 mm for the y-axis and 105 mm for the z-axis.
Build Author Calotype Views 2701
My DIY panoramic rolling (&banding) Machine.
Build Author Mark Carew Views 48794
OpenBuilds Sphinx 55 (20" x 20")
The OpenBuilds Sphinx 55 - 500x500 Lead Screw Machine
My build
I am satisfied with my build and next one will be even better.
Build Author Kenneth Witthuhn Views 7530
Openbuilds CNC (witthuhnCNC XKLBR-1S)
Based on the popular C-beam / V-wheel design, with the largest available work area, relative to machine size. Screw driven with anti-backlash, integrated drag chains, Carbon fibre gantry plates, Openbuilds BlackBox Controller (USB), Transformer & kill switches, with internal wiring, limit switches & Nema 23 motors.
CNC Router (Non OX)
My own Design (not an OX Derivative) using standard Parts.
Build Author evildean Views 8092
One meter square. Short and stout.... reminds me of a Sumo Wrestler. A temporary and adjustable configuration I have devised to cut my own plates. I have kicked around ideas for about a year and the C-Beam extrusion has made this attempt to realize my ideas irresistible. This is just one step towards bigger and better things!
Build Author Anthony Bolgar Views 10778
L'FOX - Large Format OX deriviative. Designed and built by Revision 13 Prototypes
This build is for a testing rig to use while testing out different controller boards and CAM software for milling and routing. It is in the early stages, planning is complete, parts are ordered. Awaiting parts delivery to start build. Please not the BOM only covers parts from the OpenBuilds part store. I will be posting the other required items very shortly.
CNC Based on CBeam, with No custom Plates, and Z GANTRY
Build Author Kyo Views 8715
Plate Maker V-slot Table
C-beam Plate Maker V-slot Table System to aid in clamping and setup of jobs.
80watt Lasercutter, workingarea 105x52[cm], steel frame
I will write a short buildlog here with mostly pictures. I designed this lasercutter in solidworks(not totally finished) for a good overview and such that the steel tubes could be lasercut by a company, the metal frame is based on the lasercutter the KÄSER, which you can find on The mechical parts are designed by myself because I had no mill to my use, so the mechnical parts are lasercut(same company as tube) steelplates welded together.
Build Author ChrisViral Views 6029
OP C-Beam Machine XL by ChrisViral
Video diary C-Beam XL build with massive steppers and a 1.5kW Chinese spindle.
Build Author Joe F Views 7148
Rack and Pinion Cartesian Mill
This is a rework of a previous build I did on here, a mostly printed cartesian CNC. Initially intended to just be an update to that, but so many things changed including the linear motion and every single part has been modified significantly that I felt as though it deserved a whole new build.