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spindle motor specs for milling 6000 series aluminum

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by mayur, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. mayur

    mayur New

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I was planning to make a cnc mill for milling 6000 series aluminum. so can anyone tell me what kind and specs of spindle motor should i look for so that the milling process becomes smooth without any lack of power or torque. Also please recommend the stepper motor that i should use for the movement of spindle.
    Thanks !!
  2. Kyo

    Kyo Veteran
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Feb 27, 2014
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    I cut 6061 plates for misc. projects using this Dewalt trim router. It has been holding up well. I am planning on running this 1.5Kw spindle next. If I was to start over, I would just start with the spindle up front as it is only a slightly higher cost compared to my Dewalt and Precise bits collets set.

    For the stepper to lift the Z-axis / spindle. I have run both Nema 23 motors available in the Openbuilds part store. Both work great. I prefer the High torque motor they sale Here.
    Joe Santarsiero likes this.
  3. mayur

    mayur New

    Aug 10, 2017
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    Thanks so much kyo !!
    Can you also please tell me how you power those steppers ?
    Do you use some kind of relays ?

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