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Build List


Dec 7, 2015
Delta Bots
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My large printer design. 400mm build plate, ~1000mm build height. Most of structure is 8020 but the sliders are V-Rail

1x1m Ooznest Ox

Jul 12, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Building my first router and I choose the ooznest Ox since it looks to be the latest and greatest among routers.

Rostock TETRA V0

Nov 6, 2016
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is an experiment to build a Linear Delta Printer using four towers instead of three. Primary reasons: 1. Build area is roughly cubic vs roughly cylindrical 2. Greater speed and precision from additional control provided by fourth tower. 3. Symmetric kinematics from even number of towers.

Stock CNC Router

Aug 11, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my first CNC router, so be kind on the criticism. I'm still learning. Not an engineer, and not a machinist so I am having to research and learn aspect from both of those areas of study!

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